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Luke woke up in Zanders room, holding the smaller boy protectively. Zander was cute all the time, but when he was asleep Lukes heart melted (metaphorically) from the adorableness. Zander was almost always smiling in his sleep, his eyes closed and messy bed hair that looked so fluffy, all Luke wanted to do was stroke forever. 

"Zander honey wake up." Luke shook him gently, smiling as Zander slowly opened his eyes, a beautiful shade of lavender, looking right at Luke. "Morning." Luke could tell he was trying to sound grumpy but was failing. "Did you sleep well?" Zander nodded, sitting up and kissing Luke for a few seconds before getting out of bed. "Come on, we got a band competition to win."

The date had been pushed back slightly due to the missing students. And today the club where going to perform. 


Luke met Sean backstage, While Zander and Hailey looked for Milly, Jake had texted them saying he was almost there. "So.... Hows your leg?" Sean asked, over the past month it had been in a cast and it was slowly healing. "A lot better thankfully. I'm just happy I can perform." Sean smiled and patted Lukes shoulder. "We wouldn't have performed without you, never have, never will."

Drew was also backstage with Daisy, Daisy was there for Sean, Drew was there for Jake. Milly had even had the courage to invite Elliot, who had showed up a bit late, but it was the thought that counted. "This is going to be amazing!" Daisy said with excitement. "I'm sure they'll do great, there is no way they will lose." Elliot added, Drew smiled at the twos shared enthusiasm. "You're right, they'll do amazing." 


"We are up next." Milly said nervously. Luke understood why, the whole school was going to be there, and that was going to put a lot of pressure on them. "We can do this." Luke reassured them, Sean nodded. "Lukes right, just act like we are performing in the club room."
"And if we mess up?" Hailey asked, voice surprisingly quite. "Keep going, act like nothing happened." Luke said confidently. 

Zander couldn't help admiring that, smiling at Luke, who smiled back. Luke tried not to get distracted by Zanders adorable smile. He walked over to Zander and planted a quick kiss to his lips, smiling as Zanders face heated up. "For luck." Luke said winking. Zander nodded "For luck." He repeated. 

"That, and I just wanted to kiss you." Luke added with a smirk. "Shut up dork..." Zander looked down at the ground, before looking back up at his goofy smile." 


Being on stage was so much different from what Luke expected, it was amazing, Hailey and Jake sounded perfect together, Sean was the best DJ Luke had ever seen in his life. Milly was so confident and powerful on stage. Zander was just stunning.

Luke could ramble for hours about how under the light Zander looked almost angelic, playing the piano perfectly with his eyes closed, he sounded perfect, he looked perfect, Luke could have stared at him all day.

However he also had music to make, Luke was surprised he managed to do as well as he did while his mind was racing thinking about his amazing boyfriend. 

Once the song was over Jake said goodbye to the crowed, and the club made their way off stage. "We rocked!" Milly yelled making a fist in the air. "That was amazing guys." Hailey smiled at them all, tears in her eyes. "Are you alright Hailey?" Luke asked. She nodded, "I'm so proud of you all." 

She hugged them all, the group all smiling and laughing. After the hug Zander intertwined his hand with Lukes. Luke looked over at Zander and smiled. "S... Shut up." He stuttered. Luke smiled and kissed his cheek. "I didn't say anything, love."  


"Hey!" Elliot ran up to them, Daisy and Drew close behind. "You all did so well." He said, Daisy nodded encouragingly. "Thank you Elliot." Milly said smiling. The rest of the group all said their thanks as well. "It felt so different seeing you perform on stage." Daisy said with a big grin on her face. "There is no way you don't win." Drew added on, catching Luke by surprise, he found himself smiling, Drew was worth trusting. 


Queen: Guys guys guys

Honey-bun <3: What?

Devil: Sup

Queen: The results of the competition are here

Simp: Omw DO NOT open it without me  

Devil: Or me

Bean: Be there in 5

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