The club get their answers

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"Its a long story." Zander said quietly. "That we can talk about when Luke is awake." He seemed bitter about something, which was nothing new, but Hailey knew that something was different this time. "Of course, but I was worried about you, both of you."

Hailey remained silent until she realized Zander was still looking at her. "Hey Zander." She said quietly. "Hailey- I'm sorry, I promise I'll explain everything." Zander was close to tears, something no one in the club saw often. "Its alright Zander, you had your reason. I trust you." Of course Hailey and the rest of the group would hear him out, they needed to.

"I'll stay with Luke tonight. You two can go home." Zander told them, his voice had little to no emotion in it. "Will you be home tomorrow?" Zander just nodded before looking over at Hailey again. "Please can you ask the others to meets us tomorrow they also need an explanation." Hailey nodded and hugged Zander before leaving.


At exactly 1pm the club where all in the living room of Haileys house, Luke sitting on the sofa next to Zander, Lukes foot being in a cast now. He and Zander where holding hands, Zander also had his head on Lukes shoulder. Hailey sitting next to Zander. Milly was sitting on the armchair next to the sofa cross legged, Jake took the other armchair and Sean just stood up next to Millys chair.

Luke begun the story. "I had a fight with my parents, the night before I ran away. They wanted us to move." Hailey nodded. "I know, we saw the plane tickets." Luke looked over at her confused. "When?"
"Doesn't matter, continue."

"Daisy found me that night and spoke to me about it." Luke was surprised to see Sean nod this time. "You knew?" He asked. "Daisy mentioned speaking to you but she never said what it was about."

"Anyway... After that Zander found me and I told him what had happened, and that I wanted to get away from them." That's when Zander took over, he wasn't sure if Luke would tell them everything that happened, considering he had been against getting Zander in trouble.

"I suggested we run away to the forest nearby, we had been there years before, and so we formed a plan, the next day we met in the forest and set up camp, planning to stay there until Lukes parents left."

"We had a feeling you knew where he was." Milly pointed out. "Well... Hailey did, she had hoped you two where together." Zander half smiled and Luke added on. "Thank god we where or things might have gone worse for me." He lifted up his leg that was in a cast.

"That was my fault... I suggested we clime a tree to see what the forest looked like up high, and one of the branches snapped from under me." Luke smiled sheepishly. "Zander got down quickly and helped me up, and by the time he convinced me to get it checked out... Well it was very late."

"Are you okay now Luke?" Jake asked, getting a nod back. "Okay as I can be in a cast." Zander elbowed him lightly. "Ow... What was that for?" Milly let out a giggle. "That was for scaring me that night, I was worried it was really serious."

"In fairness to Zander you looked really pale." Hailey recalled from last night. "Well everything's fine now, right?" Sean asked. "The police will probably want to talk to both of you, and Luke will need a place to stay now his parents are gone." Jake pointed out. "Oh and the school will need to know you are back."

"Luke could always stay here." Hailey suggested. "Would your parents mind?" Luke asked. "I'm sure they won't, you where over here a lot before anyway, and its not like Zander wouldn't mind sharing a room with you." She teased, causing Zanders face to heat up. "Shut up Hailey."


Jake was right, Luke was interviewed first, then Zander. Beforehand Zander had told Luke to tell the truth, reluctantly Luke agreed. Fortunately neither of them where in too much trouble, however a lot people people had shown worry for the two.

Luke and Zander returned to school a few days later, everyone was asking questions to the point where it was annoying. "Leave them alone." Someone, Drew, stepped out from the crowd. "Whatever they went though is none of your business."

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