My Baby

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     I slowly walked into the hospital. A million thoughts continuously ran threw my mind as I thought of Chanel. I felt joy overcome my body at the thought of seeing her after so long. I missed my baby.

   I really would like to see Chris though. I can't wait to feel my fist and his face collide. I breathed heavily and watched as my mother ran towards me all happy.

"August baby I missed you." She hugged me and held me like she always did.

".....How is she?"

"Two broken ribs, slight head trauma, multiple bruises, twisted ankle, and she just needs me." I recited what the doctor told me.

"Aug, baby you know she's a trooper. Chanel is a strong woman." I nodded and bit my lip at the thought of Chris putting his hands on her. A strong wave of anger wahed over me and I blacked out.

"Fuck him!" I punched the wall of the hospital and screamed breathing hard.

My mother looked shaken up. I haven't acted out like this since I lost my brother but it really hurt to know that Chris would do such a thing

"She's awake." The doctor smiled and walked over to us. "You guys can go ahead and enter the room." I nodded thankfully and sighed while thinking of everyone in the room who continued to stare at me.

I quickly entered the room and heard her heart beeping through the monitor. She saw me and quickly looked away quickly.

"Hey Nell." I licked my lips and held in the big ass smile I wanted to retain.

She covered her face embarrassed that I had to see her like that. "Go away." Her voice cracked and I sighed.

"Nell uncover your face. You're beautiful the way you are."

She shook her head and I realized she started to cry.  "Baby what's wrong?"

She slowly sat up despite her pain and looked at my mother and I. She honestly looked horrible. Like he got no sleep and she was always stressing.  It took a lot in me not to get up and hold her.

"I love you guys but he's coming here and the moment he sees you guys hell be pissed and I have to go home with him. It'll just male it worst for me. Please just g-"

She looked over to the door ad went quiet. Must be Chris. I turned my head and I saw him. "Well hello here man." I smirked when I saw him walk a little more into the room.

I held my hand out for him to shake. I know I got a little more built over the last few months but he looked the same.

"Christopher Brown....." I pulled my hand away. "Can we talk outside real quick."

"Sure." Chris smirked. I think he knew what was in it for him already.

We walked outside next to each other then I backed away from him

"So you wanna tell me why you Putin hands on my baby mama."

Chris chuckled. "Keyword baby mama. So why do you care? She don't even love you no more. Anyway, I'm going home. I'm not fighting you August. We used to be bros and I wanna fix that. I never really hit her much after you left man. But that day when I beat her that bad I had a very big reason as to why I did. Maybe you should ask her hoe ass that question." Chris muttered and slammed his car door before he or in.

His rant made me think and o rushed into the hospital towards her room.

"Chanel imma ask yo ass an important question and you better not lie to me."

She seemed nervous and my mom was just sitting there staring.

"Did you or did you not cheat on Chris?" She shook her head no.

"Why did he beat you?" I stared into her eyes. She better give me the god damn truth or I'll let Chris beat it outta her.

"The baby isn't his. That's why. He was mad because the baby turned out to be yours." She looked away from my glare and happiness came over me.

I didn't know how to take that new so I got up and stormed out. As soon as I it in the hallway and I started happy dancing.

I signed the papers and helped Chanel get dressed. In the midst of helping her I couldn't help but keep asking her questions.

"Who does he look like?"

"His father." She chuckled.

"What's his name?"

"August Anthony Alsina the third." She mumbled the name quickly.

I felt my happiness rise even more. Is it possible that she could make a nigga this happy. Man.

I was rushing to get to my mama's house. Chanel was asleep on her in the backseat and I just wanted to see the baby.

I lifted her tired body up and she laid her head against my chest. I can't lie. I felt warmth when her body was against mine.

I quickly carried her to my old room and laid her down ignoring the warmth she caused.

She was so beautiful as she slept. I sighed and carried the rest of her things in. It wasn't long before I drove to Chris's house.

"Yeo I just came to pick up her stuff. I don't want no trouble no more. I found out why you did that and all that other stuff. I know how much you wanted a baby man. I'm sorry for everything wrong I did when you were with her. I-"

Chris cut me off and chuckled. "Man its coo. I should be the one apologizing. No gay shit but from the deepest part of my heart, I'm truly sorry for all the things I've said and what I've done. I really do regret it. Could we be bros again. For real this time?" He held his hand out and I smirked.

"Nigga fuck that give me a hug." I laughed and hugged Chris.

Hopefully this is a real new start. I packed all of Chanel's things with the help of Chris and soon brought them to my mama's house.

My phone rang and I quickly pocked it up. "Yo its Aug."

"August it's Amaya. Cam misses you and he wanted to say hi but he's sleeping now. Is there anyway that y can come and get him because I have a really important interview in LA tomorrow and my flight leaves in the morning."

"I'm in LA now. Just pack Cam a bag full of clothes please and being him along with you. I'll send a private jet for y'all."

"Well damn, August. Money Team or what?"

I laughed , "imma talk to you later baby. Love you." I mumbled and hung up the phone.

The lies I tell to this girl Amaya. Sometimes I wonder if she believes my I Love You's.

Finally I was heading to Chris's mama's house. When I got inside I saw little Ava. She grew a lot..

"Avaaaaa!" I Sang and she giggled. O walked further into the room with her on my tail and immediately went for Ms. Brown. She was sitting on the chair holding my 3 week old son in her arms.

A wave of happiness came over me and I just cried. I kept wiping the tears off my face and I sat next to her.

"That's my son?" She nodded and laughed a little.

"Stop crying you big cow." I laughed and kissed his plump cheek.

He started crying and mama Brown gave him to me. I laid him chest and he stopped crying. He snuggled up to me and rested.

I couldn't help but feel like the most awesome Father in the world. I got two boys now. Not one but two. God is good.

next chap coming soon.

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