A Month Later...

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     My throat itched as the camera's followed me into the court room. I was here for Chris's trial. They want to put him under drug possession, violence, and child endangerment. That mounts to at least three years and him missing out on his children's life. Yes, children. I found out I was pregnant three weeks ago.

     I saw Chris in the orange jump suit and I hung my head low. I didn't want to see him like this after what happened in Virginia. He looked at me as if seeing me made his day all the better. I looked at him sadly and mouthed to him that I'm pregnant.

     He looked so happy hearing me say that to him. He was all jumpy in his seat and I couldn't help but smile and laugh a bit. He stared at me most of the time until the court finally sentenced him to almost a year in prison. I almost cried hearing that. I was happy he got a new sentence and that he wouldn't be gone for too long. He'd be gone for eight months. By then i'd be having His baby. I smiled happily and blew him a kiss. Even though I was mad I had to support my baby and make sure he's okay. Soon it was time to leave and Chris's body guards helped me weave through the crowd in ease. We finally reached my car and I took a deep breath before driving off.  I was about to be a single mother for a long time.

     As I drove to Chris's mother's house I realized that with Him and August gone it won't be as easy as I hoped. I haven't seen him since the day he left. What he said hurt but I dealt with it.  He just dissapeared.

    I hope its not like the dissapearences his mother told me about. When I reached the house Cam ran towards the car and I got out smiling. I had to leave him here for three days because I didn't want him to see my vomiting all over the place and everything. I'm better now to the point where I can hide it.

    Cam hugged me happily and Mrs. Brown carried Ava to the car. She was asleep which made it easier to put her in the car seat. Cam got in his and I shut the doors so he couldn't hear about Chris.

"So what's going to happen?" Mrs. Brown asked nervously knowing about Chris's problems.

"He's been sentenced to eight months but I want him home so that he can see Ava grow and see my belly grow." I sighed sadly and she hugged me.

"Its okay baby. You have your support system here when he's not. Its like him being on tour. Think of it like that." She kissed my forehead and fanned me off.

"And put my grand kids to bed. They ate already." I nodded and chuckled a bit. She hugged me again before letting me leave.


Later in the Night.....

     I heard the house phone ring and I immediately rushed to it hoping it was Chris. I needed to hear his voice badly. My throat was burning from previously vomiting my lungs out. I sighed and breathed heavily as I laid on the side of the couch.

"Incoming Call from the LA County Jail. Do you accept the charges?"

I quickly inhaled. "Yes."

Instead it wasn't the voice I wanted to hear. It was a voice I dreaded.

"Nell. I need you to pick me up." He talked as if he was hiding something.

"Okay." I was stunned he called. That he even talked to me. It really surprised me. I slipped on some sweat pants and my timbs. I had to be comfortable.


I couldn't leave the children at home by them selves so I called my brother. "Michael.....?"

He huffed in the background. "Yes. Nell its 2 o'clock in the morning."

"I need you to watch the kids for me. Please? Its important." I rushed that out of my mouth and waited for him to respond.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few." I sighed and mentally thanked him before hanging up.

Michael walked through my door with a wife beater and sweats on and his nasty crusty toes showing.

"Eww Michael. I didn't say scar my children's eyes with your crusty killing toes." He shoved me out the door and laughed.

"Hurry the fuck up you troll." I giggled and rushed to the car and started my drive to the jail.

When I entered the place guards immediately asked if I was here for August Alsina and I nodded.

"Can you give me a second I want to see Chris." I stared at one of them.

"Its not visiting hours." The guy shook his head sadly."

"Please....? You have to understand its really important. I think you'd want to hear about your child if you were in jail." He nodded.

"You're right. I'll give you ten minutes." He walked in the back and a few minutes later he came out with my baby. Chris stared at me and ran to me with a longing in his eyes.

I couldn't help but run right into him a and jump in him. I kissed him and held him in my arm for about two minutes. He just held me and stroked my hair for a few minutes as well.

"So your pregnant?" He looked at me happily.

I nodded and smiled. "Ready to be a father again?" He kissed my forehead and hugged me.

" Hell yes." I broke out in laughter.

"Cam and Ava miss you a lot." I kissed his lips again and he grabbed my hand.

"So if we have another little girl what would be her name?" I looked at Chris for a second.

"Could we name her Caliana? Cali for short." He smiled at that name and I couldn't help but smile too.

"What if it's a boy?" Chris smiled widely.

"Christopher Maurice Brown Jr."

He laughed a little and held me. "When are you due?"

I looked at him and giggled. "Around January." He smiled happily and kissed my cheek.

"I'm going to miss all of that, huh?" I nodded sadly and sat on his lap.

"I miss you Chris." Tears fell out of my eyes and he sighed deeply.

"I hate seeing you cry. Stop crying." He kissed me softly and passionately. I grabbed hold of his hand and sighed. We had three minutes left and I didn't want this to end.

"Chris you're so lucky I fucking love you. Do you know how many other girls would've left?" I glared at him and cried.

He nodded and wiped my tears. "I love you more baby girl. And I love the fact that you're going to have all my kids." He bit my ear a bit and it made me laugh.

"You're so disgusting." I blushed and kissed Chris's cheek. The guard came from around the corner and Chris sighed. He looked at me longingly and put his hand on my stomach. He kissed me slowly and deeply before walking off with the guard. I watched until his tall and bulky frame was finally gone.

     My shoulders drooped down and I walked back to the other side of the building. They had August waiting in a chair. His hands were bloody and the Guards' hands were worst. They had beaten him badly. I could tell but he always acted Luke things didn't faze him.

"Come on August." He limped behind me and I helped him out. The guards laughed and I threw them a dirty glare before leaving.

What do you think all happen next?

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