Pain and Guilt

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    My whole week was filled with stress, pain and guilt. I thought of Chris's words. He continued to talk about me being selfish because I wasn't ready to have a second baby with him.

   Then there's August. He weighed on my mind heavily. Old feelings came back quickly. I thought being with Chris could take those feelings away and the fact that I'm in love with both of them.

    I sighed and ran my hands through Cameron's curly head. He laid asleep in my lap.  I sighed deeply and stared at his handsome face. He looked exactly like August. I played in his curls and thought deep and hard about his father. What really happened while I was gone?


Cam and Ava slept peacefully in the back of the car while I rushed to Mama Alsina's home. She opened me with welcome arms.

"Hey Mrs. Alsina." I smiled innocently and hugged her tightly.

"Hey baby girl." She chuckled seeing my hands were full. Literally, Baby bag, Cam on one side, Ava the other side.

      She lifted up Ava and the baby bag so I could carry Lil August in. That's what his family calls Cam.

We laid both children in one bed and went to The next room to talk.

"Momma?"She rubbed my temples calmingly and stared at me.

"What really happened when I left?"

She went stiff for a moment and sighed..

"Baby girl August changed as soon as it sunk in that you were gone. There were days when he refused to believe you really left. He occasionally visited you're old home and slowly let himself down each day. The first time you called, I was with him. ...."

"This was about a week later. Maybe when he settled into a new house. He was so happy to hear your voice but so sad when you hung up. Sometimes he abandoned Cameron. Not on purpose but out of depression. He almost killed himself three times." She stiffened a lot when she admitted that.

"I. so sorry mama" I immediately sat up and hugged her...

".....We're not done baby girl." I looked up scared to know what happened next.

"He found out you were pregnant and he left for months. No one knew where he was or why he went and we figured that your pregnancy with Chris was why. He came back at least four or five months after vanishing and he looked so broken. Baby girl I really didn't know what to do. He started not telling anyone how he felt, he didn't talk to anyone much and then he just became a while emotionless person. The only time emotion showed was with Cam. His day just seemed to brighten knowing he had a piece of you by his side very minute of the day. In the summer he just went all dead on everyone. Didn't come out the house ...nothing. Not even concerts, interviews, tours. Nothing. We were all pretty worried. "

Mama started to cry.

"We found out August been starving himself, cutting, smoking and more than he usually does. We had to move Cam into my house and then he fell off the stage during a concert and stayed in about a week or two's coma. Its just never the same with him anymore. Then he started to get better for Cameron. I tell you August really loves his boy. He started letting his walls down. I was so proud. He was getting better, going out. Even had sex one time for the whole two years. But baby in sorry to say. When you came back he just skipped all that progress and ended up being the regular depressed August again. Always stressed and cranky and angry at someone. I just want my baby back."

By now tears were falling uncontrollably from my eyes. "He's hurt baby. He's broken and doesn't know what to do with his self anymore. He hasn't been the same Chanel. He's started to cry at night again. Just help him please Chanel. You're the only one."

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