New Problem.

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     I shook my head in thought of Cam's words. He called Chris Daddy. Now I know if August and him ever get into it, he'll use it against him. August didn't need anymore downs. He's trying to get better and this won't help.

"He's asleep." Chris walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I sighed heavily and looked up at him.

"Would August be okay with Cam calling you Daddy?" I bit my lip nervously.

"I have no idea." Chris scratched his head and shrugged. I looked down at the floor and squeezed my eyes shut confused.

"Cam knows that August is his real dad right?" I held my breath awaiting an answer.

Chris though deeply and replied. "Considering the fact that he left him a lot and during the summers I treated him like my own.....There could be a possible chance where he believes I am his father. Maybe he just calls me it now that he's here. Or maybe he just thinks I am because he doesn't see him often."

I let out a long sigh. "Well have to see what happens when August picks him up tomorrow. I bit my lip nervously and looked up at Chris.

"Aye, chill baby. I'm sure he knows who's his daddy. No worries." Chris kissed my lips softly and held me. He's a big boy and he's been with August since he was born so he should know, right?

Next Day...

I woke up early. Almost around eight and heard little squeals of laughter. I followed the noise to Ava's room and spotted Cam in her crib across from her. He must've climbed in and is now in the process of making faces so Ava would laugh. I smirked and watched the two for a while. Nothing is better than having a brother who you're close with. That just so happens to be my two babies right now. I pulled out my phone and videoed them for a few minutes. I swear its the cutest thing ever.

    I slowly closed the door and walked back to Chris and i's room. He had an appointment today and refuses to do it. You see, my baby has a thing for being scared of needles and all of that. He might be a grown man but its so funny to see him struggle at a doctors office.

"Chris...." I kissed his cheek and rubbed his back.

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me confused.

"Get in the shower." I kissed his cheeks and watched him walk into the bathroom. While he got ready I readied my self. I'm always the first to shower and all of that. I walked into Ava's room and found her and Cam still in the crib.

"Good morning baby." I kissed Cam's cheek and lifted Ava out of the crib. He followed behind us and I made sure he brushed his teeth while I bathed Ava. He wiped his eyes continuously and I giggled. I know he's tired.

I wrapped Ava in a pink towel and kissed her tiny lips. Cam looked at me and waited. I turned the shower on and waited for him to get in. Chris walked in and showered him while I dressed up Ava.

She babbled and giggled and spit as I dressed her in a white onesie, black pants, and her little concords. I put a bow in her curls and put on her pink sweater. She was basically ready. I sat her in her high chair and fed her some baby food. Breakfast today would be some cereal for baby boy.

Chris carried a fully dressed and sleeping Cam downstairs and we fixed both of them in their car seats. I got in the driver's seat of the Range Rover and drove to the hospital.

Chris looked so uneasy. Usually he'd calm himself by trying to get me to have sex with him but not today. Nope. Cam woke up half way on our ride to the office and complained of hunger. We stopped by McDonald's and bought him a breakfast wrap and kept it moving.

    Finally we reached Toby's office and waited a few minutes in the parking lot. Paparazzi was out there and we wanted them to disperse but they only crowded more. Our body guards came into view and blocked the car as I helped Cam out and lifted out Ava. She his her face in my neck and Cam grabbed my hand tightly. They were scared and I couldn't do anything to make it better. Chris lifted Cameron off the ground and rushed inside with me. For the next few minutes he refused to let go of Chris.

I hated seeing my babies so scared whenever paparazzi came around. It made me sad. I kissed all over Cameron's face and tried my best to comfort him. He just switched from Chris to me and held on for dear life. I rubbed his back and sang in his ear until he calmed. Ava looked at me with her big hazel eyes and just started crying out of nowhere.

Chris tried to hush her but she wouldn't stop for him. In this case its new. I put Cam on the ground and held Ava. She quieted down and hiccupped against my neck. I guess she just missed me for a minute. Cam Leaned on me for a while until Chris's name was called.

We followed Toby into His office and Chris held Ava which calmed him a lot. It really surprised me. Ava and Chris's relationship is just crazy cute. She laid her head on her father's shoulder as he talked.

"Nahh......Yeah,.I think a few days ago...Why?"

Toby stared at me for a second and asked if I could take the baby from Chris and Take Cam out. Chris looked scared Shitless. I bit my lip and sent Cam to sit outside the door where I could see him. I kissed Chris's lips and stood there.

"He's scared of needles." I waited as the Doctor wiped his arm and tied a rubber band around the top.

"Make a fist for me please?" Chris did just that and he searched for a pulse.

Once he found the pulse Chris turned His head and distracted his self by looking at me. It was so cute. "Its only going to be a little pinch baby." I smiled assuringly at him. He nodded and flinched when he felt it.

I bit my lip and got him to keep looking at me. He chuckled when I flicked my tongue at him. When he least expected it everything was done. He let out a deep breath and sighed.

"See was it that bad?" I laughed as Chris and I drove to my Chriss mother's home.

"Yes." He nodded and held his heart.

I giggled and glared at him. "You're not dead so chill out." I kissed his lips as we waited for his mother to get Ava.

"Hey Ms. Brown." I smiled at her and she hugged me.

"Hey baby girl." She kisses my cheek and then Chris's. After waving us off and her taking Ava, we left.

August would be at the house any minute to pick up Cameron. My phone rang and it was him.

"Yao Nell. I'm outside." I spotted August in his car across the street and my nervousness built up.

" okay. I'm coming." I grabbed Cam out of the car seat and put him down. Chris got out of the car and ran to Get Cam's overnight bag.

"Go to Daddy. You're leaving in a few minutes." I kissed his lips and he nodded and walked over to Chris who just came out of the house.

"Come on Lil man." He grabbed Cam's hand and brought him over to

August. From over here I heard Cam hug Chris and say 'Bye Daddy, I'm gonna miss you." August's face reddened and I bit my lip as he snatched the bag out of Chris's hand and buckled Cam in.

"Don't ever let me here my son call you Daddy again." He got in Chris's face and Chris laughed.

"Nigga you should be happy he calls me Daddy. Im here for him. Not you. Yo ol' deep in love ass forever away instead of taking care of ya child. Im the best father figure he'll ever get. ....Bye Little Man."

Chris laughed and looked straight into August's eyes. He seemed hurt and just confused by life. He nodded at Chris and everything else was a blur after he threw the first punch.

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