Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

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      August dropped me off in the morning and as he drove away I stared up at Chris's house. The engagement ring weighed heavy on my finger. I love him too but I love August more. I sighed and bit my finger when I realized Chris's car was still In the drive way. I wanted to cry but I humbled myself. Be brave.

     I pulled out my keys and opened the door. The house was quiet and I breathed a breath of relief. He's probably sleeping. I closed the door and kicked off my shoes. When I turned around Chris stood right there quietly waiting.

    I jumped scared that he appeared out of nowhere and scared that he must've found out where I was last night. I backed up slowly and he grabbed my arm roughly. He pulled me to the living room roughly and sat me on his lap.

"Baby I missed you so much." His face changed from mad to relieved in a matter of seconds. He pulled me closer to his chest. I stiffened up being so close to him. After the first time Chris hit me being close to him just bothered me.

"Where were you last night baby?" He looked at me seriously as if he was investigating me.

"M-My brother's house." I responded nervously.

He smirked and he shook his head. Chris's hand squeezed my thigh tightly. I shivered and grabbed his hand.

"Please. Chrissss..." He cut me off with anger in his eyes.

"Where'd you go Chanel?" He looked away from me more pissed than ever.

"Baby please..." I begged trying to make him forget.

"Where?" He stared into my eyes as tears fell out of them.

"Chris, babe, don't worry about it. I'm here right?" I cried harder as his nails dug deeper into my thigh. He wouldn't let up.

"Where the fuck did you go Chanel?" He yelled making me shake and cry harder. His nails have torn off my skin and were now deep in blood.

"August's house. " I cried and yelped as he tore his nails out of my thigh.

I cried and wailed hard while he laughed in my face. " You thought I was just going to let you get away with that huh?" He chuckled to himself.

"No...." I shook my head and wiped my tears but they kept falling.

"Sometimes I wonder why i love you so much Chanel. But you just keep making things harder. It was better in Virginia. August wasn't around and you truly did show me the love I needed at the time." I shook my head crying harder.

My thigh felt numb as I prayed he didn't want to go back to Virginia.

"Chris noooo. I'm sorry. We don't have to go back, we can make it work over here." I pleaded but I knew he wouldn't listen to me.

"You guys fucked huh?" He asked randomly.

My eyes went wide. I wasn't sure how to answer him. "Chris"

He placed his hand over my bruised side. "Tell the truth Chanel."

I nodded slowly as tears rolled down my cheek. Chris shook his head and lifted me off his lap. Before I knew it he was pulling me over to the kitchen.

   Chris punched me hard in my stomach. "Tell me why or I'll beat the hell out of you right now." Fire burned through his eyes.

"I just wanted to see if he still loves me."

I shook and flinched.

"He doesn't love you. Can't you see how much I do?" Chris screamed at me and I jumped.

I finally gathered the courage to stand up to him and I yelled the loudest I could while tears streamed down my eyes.

     "Have you ever thought that maybe I'm starting to lose love for you. Have you realized since that hitting me wouldn't help. Chris I fucking hate you. On some real shit I feel like I don't even want to e with you anymore. What's funny is that I do love you and it keeps bringing me back. Including Ava. I fucking hate you and love you, you fucking abuser.... " I cried harder and slid down to the floor.

"......Just stop hurting me, please?" I whispered and held myself closer.

Chris stayed quiet for a moment then nodded his head. He stared at me for a moment with sadness but mostly regret and love in his eyes.

"Chanel?" I looked up at him and wiped my tears.

"Promise....." He trailed off and I stared at him eagerly.

"Promise you won't hate me when I say this...." I looked at him unsure.

"I can't promise you that Chris. Just tell me." I waited for his response as tears came to his eyes. He sat next to me and just broke down.

"I knew when we came back here that I'd lose you to August. It led me to hitting you more and it made me start doing the drugs again. You don't understand Nell. You don't see it but, you keep me sane. I'm in love with you so much I don't know how to take the fact that I'm about to lose you."

I looked at Chris and nodded. "I love you so much but please stop hurting me Chris? and stop with he drugs okay? For me, For Ava?" I looked at him in all seriousness and he nodded.

"Baby I'll try so hard for you and Ava. I swear. J-Just don't leave me the way my Dad did." He shook his head sadly.

   I put myself in Chris's lap and rested my head against his chest. We were having an actual moment together. I held his hand and he held mine. Our rings shined brightly showing the symbol of our engagement and love. I smiled lightly I love August so much but Chris is where my heart is.

    He buried his face in my naturally curly hair. I held him close as we just sat their in a comfortable silence. And for once I wasn't scared or stuff around him. I was comfortable and I felt secure and loved.

Unexpected Arrival 2: The Sequel (August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now