Chapter 7

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I was dressed in a shift of pure white and I sat in a chair of blessed white marble. Each place it contacted my skin burns began to form. This was a chair fashioned from marble blessed by God himself. This was a chair meant purely to torture me.

My glamour was off, I had a crown of green thorns on my head that dug into my skin and bones and blocked any magic I would use. Wrath had told me stories of Heaven. Of what they do to demons and sinners here. I never believed him though. Now there was no denying it. I had been wed to Raph and taken into custody for "Purification."

My wings were being held back, via bolts under the points. They were pinned to two large blocks of blessed marble like the wings of a preserved butterfly. A masked man stood before me, his face covered by rose colored leather with holes for eyes a mouth and a nose.

"Romantics," Wrath had called them. The things that took sin out of people. Their power connected to roses, the thorns on my head administering poison that would forever block my Hellish powers.

"Tell me, HellSpawn." The Romantic spoke, his voice like tar poured into my ears. "Did your father truly rip your mother's heart in front of you, and give it to you as a gift?" He drew a finger down my chin and pulled my gaze to his. I saw eyes that looked like a prince of Hells, but in angelic form. Hypocrite.

I nodded weakly, "Yes, he did it because he loves me." The words were hard coming out. "He warned her, not to fight. She couldn't let me go..." My voice trailed off as my vision faded in and out.

"And so..." he began walking around me, a gold embellished rose blade in his hand, "Satan sins and calls it love, what would you do and call it love?"

I feigned a moment's thought before sarcastically saying, "Castration."

He laughed for a moment before running the tip of the blade along my right wing. "Well then." He drew out the words. "I think I'll try to cut off the source of the sin." He jabbed the point of the blade into the muscled wing, "Could the source be in your raven wings?"

"No." I said on uneven tone. "You can't touch those, I need those."

"For what? You're never leaving Heaven. You're here for eternity."

I screamed as he drug the blade in a thin line down the wing, "NO! I NEED THOSE!"

"NO!" The pain was excruciating, something I'd never felt before. "NO! NO! NO!"

"You, little HellSpawn, should get used to the pain. This sin will not be easily removed."

I screamed again as he—

I shook my head holding the bottle of Samson Ale to my lips again. I had curled up into a ball on my counter and drank an entire bottle. I had gone to Jaspers apartment briefly and found him passed out on his couch. If I wasn't terrorized, it would have been endearing.

I moved past him and found four cabinets stocked with the liquor. I grabbed five bottles and went back to my place where Raph still lingered. I hadn't said anything to him, cocky son of a bitch, I only resumed my position. Curled up with my knees to my chest and drinking straight from the bottle.

Raph had put the other four bottles in the fridge, he said they're best served cold. Fuck that shit. He just stood across from me, staring at me. "What happened?" He finally asked.

"I had a nightmare." I said. "It's not a big deal."

"You were screaming." He argued. I didn't respond, I only shook my head and drank again. "Scarlett." I felt his hand press the bottle away from my lips. "Drinking this isn't going to help."

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