Chapter 25

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(September 5th, 2008)

I landed on the concrete with a discouraging crack. Fucking hell, I was getting too old for this shit. This motherfucker wouldn't go down. This was a demon from Gluttony that strayed too far from home. It was round with lilac purple skin flapping and folding over skin and a mouth that opened two feet at least lined with three rows of razor sharp teeth. Teeth I became very well acquainted with as it leapt onto me.

This was it. This was how I was to die. On my back in a dank cold damp alley way, alone and pissed off. But what else was new? I was always alone and pissed off. It was part of my charm. The creature snapped it's teeth at me and I knew I was about to die. Could this had been my final breath—

"BAD FRIN!" A shrill child's voice called from behind the creature before it grunted in pain. No not grunted, screamed. "I told you, no attacking the locals." The little voice scolded it before a long knife ran the creature through. The creature faded to dust and standing before me was a little girl.

She wore a smile on her pale face. She had blazing orange hair with bangs cut to frame her face. The rest of it was tied into two little braids that barely reached her shoulders. She wore a black shirt under light blue wash overalls with shorts that ended at her knees. On her feet were sparkly rainbow sneakers. She had a backpack on too, it was blood red and so small. She was so small.

And she held in one hand the broad sword I'd dropped, it dragged on the ground behind her as she approached me. "I'm sorry Mister, I didn't think he'd leave my house."

"Your house?"

She nodded with a smile handing me the hilt of my sword. I took the sword, standing, and sheathed it on my back. "It's not safe here, little girl."

"It's never safe anywhere," She laughed and took my hand in hers, "Most people just don't realize it." She looked up at me, "Where do you live? I'll walk you home."

"Little girl." I pulled my hand away from hers, "I'm fine, shouldn't you be at school or something?"

She shrugged, "I should but I was bored, so I left."

"You just left?" She nodded. "Where are your parents?"

"Daddy is in Hell and Mommy is at work."

"Is your father dead?"

She shook her head. "Just in Hell."

"How old are you kid?" I asked looking down at the strange little girl beside me. Had another hunter had a kid and not told me? No, that couldn't have happened.

She smiled up at me, "I'll be eight in eight days." She pulled my hand, "How old are you?"

I laughed, "Older than that, kid." I looked around, "I think it's time we get you home, someone's bound to be worried."

She nodded slowly as we reached a convenience store on the corner and she dropped my hand as another man approached us. A man only an in shorted than I, with golden hair and golden skin and dark eyes. "Hi!" She called as she jumped to him.

He picked her up and gave her a kiss on her temple. "You gave me a fright, little one."

"I'm at our spot!" She protested.

He rolled his eyes at her, "You were supposed to come straight here. If you leave school you're supposed to come straight here." He held her and shook his head, "who's this?" He looked to me, and the girl shrugged before he said, "Good day to you sir." And turned on his heel.

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