Chapter 14

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(Present Day)

Motherfucker. He wouldn't leave me alone. I couldn't get one moment of peace with Raph hanging around me. When Jasper and I left the kitchens, he was waiting for me, and he followed me home, and he sat in my room and he annoyed me until I reached my breaking point.

So... there I was sitting in the tub of my shower with my clothes on as the water ran over me like scolding hot rain. Raph had annoyed me to the point where I could hardly keep my flames contained. So I went into my bathroom, not bothering to close or lock the door — it wouldn't keep him out anyways, and I sat in the shower and let the water run over me.

I didn't know what he was doing. I didn't really care. It was nearing midnight and I was cranky and a little tired. I had my knees curled up to my chest, my wings were out and glamoured white. He'd had his wings out too... He looked good with wings, even if he was a complete prick.

Dad always said that Angels were arrogant bastards. Dad was usually right. Maybe marrying me to one of them was punishment for them casting him out. He would do it. He would use me for revenge. No matter how much he loved me, my Dad, Pride himself, would always look out for his best interests. And I was beginning to see that first hand.

Sometimes, when I felt lost in Hell, I'd sit at the glass case containing Mom's heart and talk to her. Imagining how she would respond. But I couldn't do that now. I left her heart down there for fear that being on earth with the last remnants of Mom would be my undoing. If I could speak to her now... I don't know what I'd say.

Maybe Dad wasn't who I thought he was. Maybe he was really what everyone said he was. Maybe he was evil and sadistic and didn't care about anything or anyone... but he cared about me. And he'd see soon enough that I wasn't happy with the arrangement. He'd let me choose for myself. I was convinced he would. He loved me. He loved me, I know he did. He killed mom because he loved me. He took me away because he loved me. He did. He loved me. He's my dad.

"Hey!" Raph said softly coming into the bathroom and kneeling by the tub. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "I just needed alone time." I whispered, glaring at him. I tried to ignore the growing hollowness in my chest at the thought of Dad not caring what happened to me.

"Alone time..." he began, "In the shower with your clothes on?" I let out a small huff of a laugh before nodding and running a hand through my soaked hair. Alone time over, I guess.

I stood up, turned off the shower, and shook off the excess water before stepping out and wiping myself down with a towel. "Sometimes the water helps me think."

"What were you thinking about?" He asked following me into my bedroom. I snapped my fingers and a changing screen appeared with pajamas hung over the frame.

I went behind it to change before responding, "I was just thinking about my family." I said, my tone clipped. I put on the little black tank top with spaghetti straps and lace neckline, and the matching black shorts. And stepped out from behind the screen.

"What about your family?" He asked. "Who's your mother."

"It doesn't matter." I said shortly, "She's dead and gone."

"How did she die?" He pressed. I didn't answer I only moved out of my room and into the kitchen where I poured myself a generous cup if scotch. He followed me, pouring one for himself as I moved to the couch. I huffed out a sigh, keeping my gaze away from him. "I didn't mean to intrude." He said with his hands up.

"Didn't you!" I grunted before the sound of my door opening interrupted me.

"Uh oh, lovers quarrel." Envy said striding into my apartment.

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