Chapter 29

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Thank goodness she forgave me. Or maybe not forgave, but accepted it and was ready to move forward. She left with Gabriel shortly after God found us in the hallway. He waited until she was truly gone to approach me. "I see you've made up with her." He said flatly. "What did I tell you earlier?"

I looked at him, recalling out earlier meeting. I'b been called into his office this morning, before we went to the hall.

(Earlier that morning)

I hated being called here. God's office was Made of pale blue stone and white furnishings. I currently sat on the guest side of a desk in a chair of cushioned white fluff. Scarlett hadn't spoken to me since we arrived a week ago. She hadn't left her room or sent for me. What could he possibly want with me?

He just sat there across the desk, his hands folded neatly, staring at me. I shifted in my seat as he spoke. "Raphael." He greeted, "I trust that you are well."

I nodded, "I am, my lord."

"Good." He leaned back in his chair. "I heard some troubling rumors about your time with the princess on earth. Is it true that you had... relations with her?"

"None that would be out of line." I said softly. "We've only kissed a few times."

"And now she does not call upon you?" He scolded, "Poor work, my boy. I've made a decision."

"About Scarlet?" I asked.

He nodded, a smile seeping into his features. "I need her to relax, I need her to trust us, and to do that I need her to love an angel. You are obviously out of the running, but Gabriel would make a fine replacement."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"Gabriel will be her guide, her companion, her guard. Should a connection form between them, they will be wed." I opened my mouth to speak but he held up his hand, "This is not up for discussion. I need her to be comfortable here, I need her trust, and right now she doesn't trust you. She doesn't trust any of us."

Was he crazy? How could Gabriel ever be a good fit for her? How could she ever love someone like him? I didn't ask that though. I didn't say anything except, "I understand, sir."

(The Present)

"I understand, my lord." I said softly. "I will give them a chance."

He nodded, "Good."

Then he walked away, without another word. And I went to find Jasper, Wrath, and Lust. They had a plan. I knew it. I found them in the sitting area of their apartment. "Hello." I greeted before sitting next to Jasper on a couch.

"Are you alright, angel?" Lust asked, "Where is she?"

"She's with Gabriel." I hid my head in my hands. "She's with him and she's going to fall in love with him and she's going to be lost to me."

"What are you talking about?" Wrath asked flatly.

I looked to Jasper before turning my gaze to Wrath, "God called me into his office this morning. He said that since I've strained my relationship with Scarlett, he's giving Gabriel the chance to win her heart. When a connection forms she will be wed."

"No." Wrath bit out, "We've got 200 years."

"No." Jasper said, "We've got until she admits she loves an angel. Apparently, preferably Gabriel." They were quiet for a moment. A long moment before Wrath stood and walked over to a wall.

I lifted my gaze in time to watch him let out a howl of frustration and punch a hole right through a marble pillar. It... added character to their otherwise white, pastel and grey sitting room.

Jasper moved to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this is frustrating." he said softly.

Wrath turned around, a growl on his breath. "This isn't just frustrating." His voice echoed through the room with lethal calm. "They're passing her around like a trophy to see who wins."

"Isn't that how dating works though?" Jasper wrapped their arms around Wrath's neck and pushed their chests together. "It's like dating."

"It's the way monarchs choose and sell their heirs," Lust drew my attention as he stood, nodding for me to follow. "I believe, that is the truly frustrating part."

"Yeah," Wrath agreed, "That and we still can't figure out what he sold her for."

"So she just has to admit she love's this angel?"

I nodded. "To him. She has to admit her attachment to him and to God."

Lust laughed and Wrath relaxed, "That's alright." Lust patted my shoulder, "She doesn't share her feelings with anyone. Hardly even with me. She's completely closed off to feelings. And she'd never tell them to anyone outside this room if she were to confess them."

I nodded, "That's slightly better." I looked to Jasper, "Is there any way to intercept Gabriel?"

They shrugged as Wrath wrapped his arms around their waist. What was happening their? Did I miss something? "I think the first way would be to go to training with her, and make sure we're all at dinners. But other than that, we're not allowed in the libraries, and we can't stalk them all over the city."

Lust came up beside me with a drink. Where did he get liquor? It was forbidden in the palace. He noted my gaze on his glass, "I may portal to Lust whenever I please, and so may Scarlett. I needed a drink." He smirked, "You want some? I put a bar cart in my room."

I laughed lightly and shook my head. "No, and you'd better not let anyone else see that." He sipped the amber liquid and cocked an eyebrow at me. "There's no alcohol allowed in the palace."

He laughed and shook his head, "Like we say in Hell, nothing fun happens in Heaven."

"How do we begin to save Scarlett?" Jasper asked, his tone as serious as I'd ever heard it.

I took a breath and leaned on the back of the couch. "We go to dinner."

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