Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

We arrived at the burrow about 10 minutes ago. Nobody's home so we are waiting for them. Apparently they are traveling here according to the granddaddy clock. We are planning on surprising them we brought Teddy's playpen he is sitting happily over in the corner playing with his stuffed snitch. He is fascinated when it flies around in circles about his head. Ginny looks so pretty I just want to kiss her so badly. But she made me promise that when Teddy is watching we can't make out. "Hey baby, Teddy isn't watching us." I said hopefully. Then she leaned in and we were kissing hard fighting for dominance that would have lead further if we didn't hear Mr. Weasley clearing his throat. Oh my goodness I don't know what to... "Hi daddy!" Ginny finally spoke nervously. "Hey Gin, Hello Harry." he said looking pleased because he had made us nervous "Hello Mr. Weasley how are you?" I said as kind as I could. "Very well I just got a promotion at the Ministry." He said back to his normal self. " That's great, now that you mention the ministry I just wanted to know if maybe y'all had anymore open spots for possible Aurors?" I asked "Well actually yes Hermione decided she wanted to be a nurse at St. Mongos so we still have an open slot. Why, you think that might be something you are wanting to do for a living?" he said looking quite excited. "Yeah I think I might be taking Moody's advice and hopefully becoming an Auror." I said looking confident in my answer. "Well that would great. Anyways how are you Gin?" he asked Ginny and I could tell this was the beginning of a very long conversation so I took Teddy out of the room and into the kitchen with me so we could go see the rest of the family.

"Hey guys." I said then realized Mrs. Weasley was the only one in there.

"Oh hello Harry I thought I heard Arthur's voice talking to someone." she said taking Teddy out of my arms and swung him around in a high chair that she keeps in the closet.

"Yeah I was just talking to him about hopefully becoming an Auror. I think it would be a great opportunity for Ginny,Teddy,and I. It has flexible hours and its something that I have always wanted to do, so I think that it might just be the perfect job."

"Oh it would be wonderful if you could get a job as an Auror. But arn't you afraid that something bad could happen while your on the job."

"Well of course that is always a possibility, but that is a possibility with about everything these days."

"I think it would be the perfect opportunity for you."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley."

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me Molly, Mrs. Weasley just makes me sound so old." She said laughing

"Ok Molly. Wow that sounds weird coming out of my mouth!"

She was still laughing then she told me that the boys were outside. I walked outside and I saw Ron and Gorge chasing each-other on their broomsticks

"Hey Harry when did you get here?" asked Gorge.

"I was here a little bit before y'all. Ginny and I just wanted to surprise y'all with a visit." I told them

"Aww thanks mate! We've been missing y'all around here." said Ron

"Welcome we were missing y'all to. I could tell Ginny was getting a little homesick."

"You wanna play tag... wow I sound like a 4 year old but It sounds fun." said Gorge

I laughed and conjured up my Firebolt

We just flew around for hours. It felt so good to be back up in the air again. Then I said bye to Gorge and Ron then went back into the kitchen

"Hey babe are you ready to go?" Asked Ginny

I decided that I will make her smell the wrath of my sweatiness "Yeah Babe." I walked over to her and hugged her tight so she wouldn't be able to run away.

"Eww baby you smell gross!"

"I know." still holding on to her. I waited about 10 more seconds then I let her go

"We need to go home so you can get a shower before you knock someone out." she and I were going around the house saying our goodbyes and we walked into Ginny's old room were we saw Mrs. Weasley laying in bed reading Daily Prophet and Teddy asleep next to her

"Y'all look so cute, mom" Ginny said "at least we don't have to go home and put him to bed." Mrs. Weasley got up and handed Teddy to us and we said our goodbyes.

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