Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

At the burrow

I took Teddy to the spare bedroom so I could change his diaper. He sure is a stinky baby. After I finished I went to Ginny's old room and picked up one of her book and was reading to Teddy. We were sitting on Ginny's old bed when I heard Ginny call for me. I walked down the stairs and saw Ginny standing at the end. Their was an old couple standing at the door. For some reason the fat old lady, who must be Ginny's Grandmother some what reminds me of the horrible ole nasty Delores Umbridge. Her make up is to dark, she has no neck, and she seems obsessed with leather. Sounds like Umbridge to me. Except she isn't near as fat, on the flip side she is actually really skinny. She walked over to Arthur and gave him a huge hug. Then she slowly walked over to Molly and gave her the tiniest of hugs, I wouldn't even consider it one.

"Every one get in line from eldest to youngest." She commanded

We all did hesitantly. She called out who she knew from the line. Once everyone else had introduced theirselves she came to us.

"An who might you two be?" she asked harshly.

Ginny cringed so I said "I am Ginny's soon to be husband, Harry Potter, and his is Teddy Lupin. His parents died so we took him in." I said as calm as I could.

"The Harry Potter, you must feel so special, to bad your not."


"Oh, an how old are you Ginevra?" She asked

"17 mam." Ginny said politely yet she looked slightly irritated.

"Oh and your getting married and you practically already have a son." she asked

"Yes mam and I am pretty proud of my little family. So if you have a problem with thy you can just leave us alone. Your not a real grandmother you don't love any of us. So if you don't mind , and you better not, Harry, Teddy, and I will be leaving!" she yelled

We apperated to the house and Ginny ran into the bedroom crying. I put Teddy in his playpen quickly and ran after her. She was crying on the bed and her makeup was all smeared, but she still looked beautiful as ever.

"She has always hated me!" she yelled

"She has no reason to. You are absolutely flawless and prefect." I said gently

"No I'm not. When I get mad I yell at people for no reason when they didn't do anything, I look horrible without makeup, and I'm not good enough for you Harry." she said sadly

Her words punched me in the heard like an iron pole. I can't believe she would say things like that about herself.

"The only time you yell at people is when they deserve it, you look beautiful with AND without makeup, and if anything I am not good enough for you Ginny. I love you Ginevra Molly Potter and nothing will ever change that."

"Thank you, and I love you too Harry James Potter, and did you realize that you called me Ginevra Molly POTTER?" She asked slightly amused

"Your welcome and yes I did mean to call you Ginevra Molly POTTER." I said matter-of-factly

"Ok then and can we stop using my first name it's embarrassing." she said sheepishly

"Ok then Ginevra!" I said cheerly and have her a kiss on the cheek. She later Dow in bed and I told her that I would be there in a few minutes and that I was going to put Teddy down.

I walked in Teddy's room and looked inside the playpen. He was just staring up at the ceiling.

I picked him up and said
"Edward Teddy Remus Lupin I want you to know your real parents. I don't want you to grow up in your childhood and think that Ginny and I are your real parents. I know you can't understand me right now but I am going to talk to Ginny about the whole situation and when you get old enough you won't be calling us Mommy and Daddy. I will eventually take you to Hogwarts do you can see and talk to your real Mommy and Daddy. No matter how much I want you to be my son there is no way that that is possible my dear Teddy Lupin. Your mother will be in tears and your father will be so proud. When the time comes and you go to Hogwarts you will get to see them everyday... ahh you don't know how much your parents and I love you." I kissed him on the forehead and put him in his crib. Then out of no where his hair turned bubble gum pink. I knew from that moment that no matter how hard Ginny and I could have tried, we could never hide him from his past. Even if we though that it was best for him.

I walked into the bedroom and Ginny was still awake and I told her the whole story. She agrees that we can't hide the scars of his past.

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