Chapter 28

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Hermione's POV

I heard the familiar POP and I walked into the living room where I saw Ginny. I couldn't hold in my emotions anymore I started crying and ran over to her. She was holding me in a tight hug ad whispering comforting words she said

"You go and get a nice comedy movie going and I will go in the kitchen and get the must haves."

"Ok" I walked over to the movie cabinet and picked out Grown Ups 2. I love this movie! I could hear Ginny in the kitchen making popcorn and I heard her opening the freezer. She usually brings Teddy up here with her, he even has his own little bedroom. Well I wouldn't call it his, I would say its for any baby that comes over such as Kinzlee and Kaitlyn, but they hardly ever come over. I think that Fleur is pregnant and doesn't want to tell anyone yet. She seems to be getting a bit big. Which that is probably what people are saying about me. I don't know why I am gaining weight, I eat right and get plenty of exercise. I hope this "phase" doesn't last long. I saw Ginny walking through the door with a bowl of popcorn, pizza, ice cream, hamburgers (which I didn't even know that we had), and tissues. She walked over to the couch thy I am sitting in and sat beside me.

"So how much weight have you gained?" she asked

"About 10 pounds..." I said shamefully

She slapped me on the shoulder and said
"Your making a big deal out of ten pounds! I couldn't even tell by looking at you, that you have gained 1 pound."

"I know, I overreacted, well do you have an explanation for why you think Ron is ignoring me?" I asked hopefully

"Well for that I think I need some more information because I need dates, times, and more information about everything." She said

"Wow you make my job easy don't you." I said sarcastically

"Yes I do, now shoot!" she said very loudly

"Ok so it all started about 3 weeks ago. Everything was perfect the night before we did you-know-what and we acted perfectly normal the next day. That night he came in from work a little late. I didn't question him about it. He jumped in the shower an as soon as he finished we got in bed and went to sleep. He didn't even say goodnight or I love you. Then he went to work early the next morning and again he came home late. That has been repeating for all of this time and has gotten where he won't even hardly talk to me!" by the end I was in tears

"Hum... and what where you doing that day that he came home acting weird?" she asked looking concerned

"Um... I was watching Kaitlyn and Kinzlee remember I called and asked if you think Teddy would want to come over and you said no because y'all were going bowling."

"I remember that. What did he do that morning before he went to work?"

"I don't know he left so early thy I hadn't even woken up yet!" I said sobbing

"Well I don't know what else to say other than this is one of the few times in all of my life when I want to kill one of my brothers." she said sadly/angrily

3 hours later

Ginny's POV

Hermione told me thy mom is having Grandmaw and Grandpaw over for dinner tonight. No one can stand Grandmaw, she is so mean. Grandpaw is really nice though. She hates mom and yet she acts all pleasant around dad. I already texted Harry about it and told him to get Teddy looking nice because this will be his first time meeting them. Well actually Grandpaw has seen him before, but Grandmaw was claiming to be sick. She doesn't like me either. Harry hasn't met any of them yet. Which worries me. Its bad that dad has to pretend to like his own mother. She holds a grudge on mom because she claims that she took her little boy away from her. She always wears to dark of makeup and to short of dresses. Its absolutely disgusting. They are from muggle New York. Which is good because that means we don't have to see them a lot. I ran home and got changed into a coral pinkish orange one sleeve dress that goes down to my mid thigh. I did my makeup a bit dark and I did my hair in a side fishtail braid. I took a last glance in the mirror before I put on my cream colored high heels and grabbed my purse. I walked into the living room where I saw Harry in a blue and green plaid long sleeved shirt and dress pants. He looked hot.

"You look beautiful, Gin." he said genuinely

"You look hot babe." I said sweetly

"Where is Teddy?" I added

"Oh I dropped him off at George and Katie's. He is having a play date with the twins. Katie said that they could bring him to the burrow."

"Great, we should probably be getting going."

He looked down at his watch and we decided that would apperate so we wouldn't get outlet clothes dirty

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