Chapter 27

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So sorry my IPod went dead and I broke my charger, so I have not been able to update. Also sorry that I am horrible at making up chapter names.

Ginny's POV

I am laying in bed next to Harry. He hasn't woken up yet. I am so glad that everything is back to normal. Away from everything that has been happening lately. I stare down at my beautiful engagement ring on my left hand. I can't believe that I am getting married, let alone to my childhood crush. I rolled over so I am facing Harry. He was just staring at me.

"I thought you were asleep."

"No every time you turned over I pretended to be sleeping. I was just watching you." He said sleepily

"Oh,ok" I replied tiredly

"How about we do things reverse today. I will go and make breakfast and you can go and give Teddy his morning bottle then you can bring him back in here so we can have breakfast in bed as he watches his morning cartoons." he said kindly and sillily

"That sounds perfect."

I went upstairs to Teddy's room to see him playing with his stuffed snitch soundly in his crib. I reached down and picked him up and brought him over to the changing table. After I changed him I said "Accio bottle" first I made sure it was the right temperature then brought his downstairs into the kitchen. There I saw Harry making fried eggs, pancakes, and root beer floats.

"It looks delicious babe."

"Thanks Gin, I love you."

"I love you too Harry." then we leaned forward forgetting that Teddy was in my arms for a moment and we got into an intense make-out session. We were interrupted when I heard Teddy laughing and clapping.

I just laughed and we went into then bedroom and I turned on Sesame Street. I think Teddy has a bit of a crush on the character Abbey. I think it's funny he always drools at the TV when it's her turn to be on.

I put him in my lap then picked him up and let him jump on my legs (while I am picking him up of course!)

"Teddy don't you want a little sister or brother." I asked him.
He is just looking at me blankly. Then I heard my phone ringing on the nightstand. I put Teddy on my lap and reached over to get it.

Convo: G=Ginny H=Hermione

G- Hello

H- Hey Ginny

G-What's wrong Hermione you sound upset

H-Oh nothing I just need someone to talk to

G-Hermione I know you better than that, now what's wrong

H-Well it's just I have been gaining quite a bit of weight lately and I feel like Ron is neglecting me because of it.

G-There has to be another reason Ron isn't that shallow

H-That's what I was saying at first ,but Ron and Harry have been getting a lot of days off of work lately and Ron hasn't been spending any time with me.

G-I will get him for that, but why do you think that you are losing weight you are like the healthiest person I know.

H-I don't know but to tell the truth, I have been eating a bit more lately since Ron has been ignoring me.

G-Why do you think he is doing it?

H-... Well...I...

G-Hermione... Tell me

H-I think Ron... might be having an affair

G- Hermione I am saying this because I am your friend and not Ron's sister. Ron wouldn't cheat on you.

H- I don't know he hasn't been showing up for family gatherings, like I said he has been being very ignorant, and he has been coming in very late at nights and smelling weird.

G-I will be over around 1

H-Ok don't bring Teddy with you, I will be probably crying a lot

G-Ok bye


As soon as I hung up Harry came in the room with breakfast. He picked up Teddy and have him a kiss on the forehead.

"Can you watch him while I am with Hermione she is having boy problems?" I asked

"Course, when will you be leaving?" he asked

"Around 1"

"Ok let's eat!"

We dug in. It was absolutely delicious. It turns out that Harry also made bacon, hash browns, and French toast to go along with the rest. Harry was sitting on the opposite side of the bed giving Teddy his bottle because he scarfed down all of his breakfast.

"Hun... when can we have kids?" I asked hoping that this is a good time to bring it up.

"Well, Babe, I think after we are married we will know when we are ready." he said gently

"But I think I'm ready now."

"Well if your ready, I'm ready, but I really think that we should wait until we are married so we won't set a bad example for Teddy and our future kids." He said wisely

"Yeah I guess you are right." I said. I am still kind of bummed about it though, but I know that Harry is right about waiting until we are married. I know that having kids is wonderful but I bet making them is fun too. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. Mom always said if you think those kind of thoughts your encouraging them. I don't necessarily agree with that though. I do want kids. I don't want Teddy to be lonely, I don't want anyone to be lonely for that fact. Bo one was ever lonely in our house because Mom and Dad had 7 kids. I know that Harry and I are young but we are taking care of a 6 month old together and have been for a while, an we are getting married, I think that we are mature enough for children. When we do I want to name them after the people who have passed that Harry loved. Which for a matter of fact is a lot of people.

"What time is it?" I asked Harry because we have a clock in that side of the bed

"Um 12:45, you should probably go get ready to see Hermione." I looked down at what I was wearing and swore under my breath. I am still wearing my tank top and pajama pants. I ran over to the closet and picked out a nice outfit. A black shirt with a lime green anchor on it and pink jeans. I got magic to do my makeup for me because its faster and I was off to Hermione's

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