Chapter 20

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Not and authors note

Hy guys just wanted to say I love y'all so much. Thank y'all for reading!💖😘💕

Harry's POV

Today is the day that I am going to ask Mr. and Mrs. Weasley if I can marry Ginny. She is going shopping with Hermione today to keep her away. I have already told Ron and Hermione. Ron wasn't to happy at first and I have a black eye. Then he realized that I love Ginny and I would never let anything ever happen to her. He apologized over and over. I am going to take Teddy with me. Ok checklist for Teddy

Taken Bottle. Check
Changed diaper. Check
Wearing Diaper. Check
Taken bath. Check
Wearing clothes. Check
Brushed hair. Check
Wearing shoes. Check

Ok that should be it.I had Teddy in his carrier. I used the Floo to get to the burrow.

At the burrow

I arrived at the burrow and heard Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talking in the kitchen. I walked in and said

"May I talk to you guys?"

"Course Harry what brings you here?" asked Mr. Weasley

"Ok as y'all know... I love Ginny with all of my heart and I would never want to live on this Earth without her."

"Yes Harry of course." said Mrs. Weasley

"Well I just wanted y'all's permission to... ask Ginny to marry me?"

"Oh Harry! Of course!" Mrs. Weasley ran to me and hugged me so hard I felt like I couldn't breath but I hugged back.

Then I looked over hopefully at Mr. Weasley "Harry son I know that you love Ginny with all your heart and wouldn't ever want anything to happen to her, but... arn't you afraid that y'all are going into this all to soon?" he asked

"No Mr. Weasley I know that Ginny and I are ready for this and we have been for a long time. We have talked about marriage and we think its the best thing do. We know that when comes marriage comes responsibility and I think that we have proven our responsibility." I said confidently and glanced over at Teddy who was playing with his snitch still in his carrier.

"Son if you think that You and Ginny are ready for this I see no reason to wait. You have my blessing, welcome to the family!" He said happily and we shook hands.

I was so happy I waited until they weren't looking and did a little happy dance, but apparently not quick enough because when I got finished I looked up and saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley staring at me

"Sorry I'm just excited!" I said

"It's ok." said Mr. Weasley

I said my goodbyes and left from the burrow. I went straight from the burrow with Teddy to a tux store. I just teddy help me pick one out. He pointed at the one he liked. It just so happens its the one that I like also. It is completely black.

I was at home and Ginny texted and said that she would be spending the night with Hermione in a hotel. She doesn't know that I told Hermione to do that so that I can spend the night and tomorrow decorating the house. I am taking Teddy to the party store with me.

At the party store

Agh Teddy is grabbing everything that he can get his hands on. He just grabbed a bunch of party hats.

"Well actually we need those." I grabbed a few more.

Very silently I said "Accio carrier." Then out of no where the carrier came floating in. I grabbed it and gently put Teddy in it. He was still trying to reach out and grab things, but his little arms couldn't reach anything. I grabbed everything that was on my list for the party supplies. Now I need to go and get a ring.

At the ring shop

Wow there is so many rings in here I don't know which one to pick. I dropped Teddy off at the burrow, so I could take my time in here. Fleur is in here with me because I needed a girls option and couldn't get Hermione because she it still out occupying Ginny. It is 6 and the store closes at 7.

"How am I supposed to pick a ring when I have all of these choices!" I exclaimed

"Do you want I to pick ounce 5 of the pettiest and Harry pick from choices?" asked Fleur. She is still working on her English.

"That would be awesome Fleur!' She was gone for about 10 minutes and can back with 5 gorgeous rings. But I had to pick the prettiest one, which wasn't easy. (A picture is up above!)

Then I had to go to the burrow and pick up Teddy. Thank goodness he was sleeping because if he wasn't that would put a big dent in my time limit.

We went home and then I had to call everyone she knows.

Molly and Arthur


Bill and Fleur



Percy (he apologized)


(School Friends)

Luna and her dad



Dean Thomas (he has another girlfriend)

Cho Chang(she has a boyfriend)

Amelia DePriest

Ava-Kate Richardson

Paisley Sanders
Maizlee Sanders~ triplets
Kaisley Sanders

And lastly Colin and Dennis Creevey.

Which took about 3 hours total. I made them all promise not to tell Ginny. When I called Mrs. Weasley she said that she had already started making food. Bill and Fleur also. I really hope Ginny says yes. If she doesn't I don't know what I will do. I will be telling her that its just a small celebration but later that night after we all eat I will propose. Wow that is a lot to take in...

I went up stairs to make sure Teddy was still sleeping and he wasn't. He was laying in bed with his witch flying low about his head. When he saw me he reached up fore me to hold him. As soon as I did I could tell that he needed a diaper change. After that and a quick feeding he was finally sleeping. It was time fore me to be asleep. I went downstairs to Ginny and my bedroom and took a quick shower thinking about all the things that could happen tomorrow. Finally aster laying in bed thinking for 2 hours, I let sleepiness take over me. Having dreams about Ginny's and my wedding.

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