Chapter 23

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I felt another sharp pain in my gut this one was the sharpest one of all. I grabbed on to the rocker arm and I did yell.

Everyone came rushing over an the pain was still there. Then I felt something warm and thick run down my legs.

"Katie's in labor!" yelled Hermione. Everyone gasped and George picked me up bridal style and apperated down to St. Mungo's. That's all I could stand for until everything went black.

George's POV

Katie is still passed out. The doctors gave her some sleep medicine so she would stay asleep. When we got to St. Mungo's it took us about 3 hours to get a room because they were so busy. Katie is still passed out. By the time we finally got a room Katie was already 10 centimeters dilated. They had to go strait into an emergency c section. I am so worried because Katie is 2 months early. What is something is wrong with the baby? Soon I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a baby cry. Everyone was shocked when they pulled out a beautiful baby girl, but we were even more shocked when the other doctor reached in Katie's stomach and pulled out another beautiful baby girl. Wait what? The doctors cut the umbilical cords.

"We didn't even know that she was pregnant with twins." I said in shock

"Well we are going to go clean them up the bring them back then we can wake your wife up." said the doctor

She isn't my wife quite yet, but i didn't object. I loved the sound of wife when referring to Katie. I wonder what we will name the other twin? She did get to name Kinzlee and I got to give Kinzlee her middle name so maybe I will get to give the other one its first name and Katie can do its middle. I thought that just as the nurse came back in holding Weasley #1 and 2. The nurse put them in my arms. They are absolutely beautiful. One had dark brown hair like Katie's and green eyes. The other one had blonde hair and brown eyes. Wait blonde hair... that's weird! But I thought all babies were born with blue eyes. The doctor said that sometimes babies are born with different color eyes. I also asked him about are they a normal size considering they were 2 months early. He said they look perfectly normal. I was interrupted by my thoughts when I saw Katie's eyes flutter open. I shifted over in an angle where she couldn't see the other baby.

"Honey were parents!" I said to her

"Let me see our baby." she said kindly

She took one of then from my hands and said

"But now you won't get practice because I took her from you." She said drowsily. I guess the drugs hadn't worn off by now.

"Don't worry I feel like I will get plenty of practice." I put the other baby in view

"Who's baby is that. It's adorable!" she said clearly under the drugs influence

"It's our baby Katie." I said calm yet excitedly

"Oh... then who's baby am I holding?"

"Honey we had twins!" I said laughing

Her eyes got really big
"Oh... wow..." She drug the ow for like 20 seconds

After about 10 minutes she was out of the drugged state.

"What are we going to name the other one?" I asked

"Well we could do the opposite of what we did last time, you could pick out the first name and I can pick out the middle?" she suggested

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I had to think hard I thought about









And Kendyl

After about 5 minutes of dwelling on all of those beautiful name I finally picked out..... Kaitlyn

"Have you made your decision?" I asked her

"Yeah you?" she replied

"What did you come up with?" I asked her

"Annabelle" she replied. That name is beautiful

"I was thinking for the first name, since we already have Kinzlee I thought the next one should be a K also so I have came up with Kaitlyn."

"I love it!" I shared a quick yet passionate kiss with our newborn daughters in between us.

"So we have

Kaitlyn Annabelle Weasley
Kinzlee Alisabeth Weasley

Those names are beautiful along with our daughters." She said

I turned around and I totally forgot that I had all of my family standing behind us I just laughed

"So which is which?" I asked her.

"I was thinking that Kinzlee should be the one with dark hair, and Kaitlyn should be the one with light hair!" she said cheerfully

"I love our babies!" I exclaimed

A voice from behind us spoke up and said

"I believe we should give y'all some private time. If you need us we will probably be in the cafeteria." said Harry

Everyone walked out.

"How long have I been out?"

"Well about 4 hours total." Then I lent over and kissed Kinzlee on the forehead

"Wow..." she said and looked down at Kaitlyn in my arms

"She is going to be a daddy's girl. I can already tell." She added. I looked down and saw that Kaitlyn was clinging on to my shirt.

"I can believe that we just ourselves made 2 gorgeous children. I wish Fred was here to see it." I let one quick year escape from my eye, I quickly dried it before Katie saw.

"Me too honey me too. I love you" she said sadly

I handed Katie Kaitlyn and got down on one knee "I am really really lucky that I found you Katie I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much. I am so glad that you of all people are the mother of my children. I know what your probably thinking ' what is he doing' well I'm thinking we already have two stunning children so we might as well do everything in reverse order. I have no ring because this wasn't planned, but Katherine Emma Bell, do me an amazing honor and make me the luckiest man in the universe. Katie will you marry me?" I said with all the emotion that I have been holding in since 4th year just flowing our of me like a river.

"Yes I will marry you!" she screamed

She was crying tears of joy. She carefully set Kaitlyn and Kinzlee down on the hospital bed and broke down on her knees hugging me. We both leant in and we kissed harder,deeper, and more passionate than we ever had before.

"I love you!" I exclaimed

"I love you too!"

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