Chapter 18

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You will be getting 1 or 2 new people in this chapter. You already know them, but they haven't been in my book yet. I hope you like it. VOTE AND COMMENT

Harry's POV

I have already left home and I am at the burrow waiting for Ron to hurry up so we can get to work on time. We are never on time and yes Ron became an Auror I was the one who trained him. I have been stopping by at the burrow everyday now for about 3 weeks. Teddy is all better. He slept with the rag on and woke up with a temperature of 97 this morning. Ron finally got finished getting ready and we were off

At the ministry of magic

Ron and I share a office, but there is an empty desk over in the corner for any new Aurors. Right now we are doing paperwork for Lucius Malfoy. He is going to get out of Azkaban in 4 days. I really hope he doesn't try and requite new death eaters considering all the other ones are locked In Azkaban thanks to Ron and I. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Cornelius Fudge walk into the office.

"Can I talk to y'all? He asked

"Yes sir" Ron and I said In unison

"Ok I need you to train a soon to be Auror. I know both of you are pretty new at the job but y'all have caught more death eaters than any others combined. I really new you to train a soon to be Auror. he said

"Ok" we said in unison "Um who is it may i add?" asked Ron

"His name is Draco Malfoy." Ron and I looked at each other and quite frankly I didn't know what to say but I didn't have to when I heard Cornelius call Draco in.

"I trust y'all will make him a fine Auror." said Cornelius and with that he left.

"So what do I do first?" asked Draco. I have forgiven him but I don't know about Ron. I sure hope he has because of he hasn't that will make everything a lot more awkward. I didn't want to give him papers over his father...

"Um first I can teach you physical training and then Ron will show you how to do paperwork." I said then glared at Ron.

"Ok that sounds great." We walked out into the training arena and there was a bunch of dummies that he could practice on.

"Oh and I hope you know that I am sorry for all the things that I did to you in the past and I was never a death eater my father made me do all of those things and the same goes for my mother."

"It's ok I believe you, I have ever since 7th year when you were practically forced into Voldemort's arms."

"Thank you Harry." He said looking quite shocked that I believed him.

"Your welcome, lets start the training shall we." I said "You will practice on these dummies as if we're real life scenarios then we will bring out a few boggarts." I added

"Ok" he said

"Lets start with an easy one. You are trapped in a small room with 5 dementors. What spell would you cast. Do the spell on the dummie in front of you."


"Excellent" I said

"What spell would you cast if you really needed needed something such as your..." I said trying to think of what to say " such as your toothpaste?"

He laughed and said "Accio toothpaste" then came flying out of no where his WIZARD WHITENING toothpaste.

"The the scenario of a fire what spell would you use to put it out?

He raised his wand in front of him and said "augamenti" and water came flowing out of the tip of his wand.

The physical training went on for 3 more hours and then Cornelius said I can go home.

"Hey Draco good job out there I know I hated it to when I first started training, but you only have to do it for about two weeks at the most."

"Yeah I heard that you and Ginny Weasley took in Remus Lupin's son?"

"Yeah he's adorable and I love him to death."

"I have only seen pictures from when he was first born." he said

"Oh well I heard that you and Pansy Parkinson are together?"

"Yeah actually we are getting married in the spring. March 20th, first day of spring to be exact."

"Cool I am planking in proposing to Ginny really soon. I better get a move on because she is already talking about having kids."

"Ah Pansy too although when we get married I do want to have kids. I love kids now which is weird because when I was younger I hated them."

"I you love kids so much why don't you and Pansy come over for dinner. Ginny is making chicken pot pie I think. She forgave y'all a long time ago. And it could give you and Pansy some practice with kids." I asked

"Ok thanks mate. How old is Teddy?" He asked looking interested.

"Two and a half months yesterday."

"Wow I can't imagine what it's like to lose both of your parents that young."

"I can" I said kinda sadly

"Sorry mate." he said

"Ah that's ok. So I guess you need to go and ask Pansy and I need to go and ask Ginny."

"Yeah" he said about to leave.

"WAIT!" I yelled "You don't know where I live dummy!" I said in a duh kind of tone

"Oh yeah, Ops"

"Ok I am the 3rd house you will see when you enter Hogsmade, it will be to the right."

"Ok thanks bye!" he said

"Bye!" and off I was to tell Ginny

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