Chapter 32

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Ginny's POV

7:00 in the morning

Kinzlee just woke up, but Teddy and Kaitlyn are still sleeping. I was holding Kinzlee because I just gave her her bottle. I was holding her on my hip and I walked into the bedroom and sat down on the bed, we are about to wake up Harry. I stood up on the bed and sat down on Harry's stomach and sat Kinzlee down on his chest. I started bouncing up and down and saying

"Wakey wakey Harry!"

He still wouldn't wake up, so I lent downs and kissed him softly on the mouth. His eyes jerked open. He picked up Kinzlee and sat up on the bed and started cradling her.

"You really good with kids you know." I said

"Really? When we got that letter the day Teddy arrived I was freaking out because I didn't know if I would be any good at being a dad because I always grew up in a different kind of lifestyle."

"Well you are really good at it. You will make a great daddy."

"Well I should I am already and uncle and godfather, it can't be to hard." He said confidently

"Well, your in for a rude awakening..." I said half amused

He just shrugged and started playing with Kinzlee again. I heard a familiar cry coming from Teddy's room. I put all 3 cribs in Teddy's room. I walked downstairs. I am getting tired of this. We should have made the guest room, beside ours, Teddy's room but no. I went into his room and saw that Kaitlyn and Teddy were both standing up (with the help of the bars on the crib) looking at each other and talking baby talk. Its so adorable! I quickly ran into the kitchen and got my phone to take a picture and send it to George and Katie. I took the picture and then I just sat down in the rocker and watched them. A few minutes later Kaitlyn fell and started crying so I went over to the crib and picked her up. Then I went over to Teddy's crib and he was still standing when he saw thy I was holding Kaitlyn he yelled at the top of his lungs


He let go of the bars and hit me in the stomach and then he fell down. I picked him up and took him and Kaitlyn to our room (with great difficultly.) I went in the room and sat Kaitlyn and Teddy down on the bed. Harry put Kinzlee down with them. They played together and talked baby talk. It's so adorable. I want a baby. I crawled over beside the twins and Teddy and laid down and just watched them. I ask Harry about it all the time and he either says "we have a baby" or "let's wait until we are married." I am starting to think that he doesn't want kids. I do though. I k ow that we have Teddy, but I want a baby that is my flesh and blood. I want to look at him or her and see Harry and I like the way I look at Kinzlee and Kaitlyn and see George and Katie. ... Anyway I think we should do some family shopping. I have a triplet stroller. Mom gave it to me. She used it for George, Fred, and Ron when try where little.



"Lets go shopping"


I could tell that he was still sleepy, so I left him with the babies while I go and get ready. I put on black skinny jeans and a blue tank top. Then I walked back into the bedroom and saw that Harry was cuddling with the kids. It's so adorable. I take them all downstairs and say

"Accio triplet stroller"

It can flying through the air and once that it landed beside me I realized that I didn't change any of their diapers or clothes other than Kinzlee, so I carefully went upstairs and sat Kinzlee and Teddy in the playpen and changed Kaitlyn. Then I did the same for Teddy. After I made sure that everything was done I met Harry downstairs and he put them in the stroller and we took off.

To be continued...

Hey guys sorry I ended so suddenly, something really big is coming up that involves Kinzlee, Kaitlyn, and Teddy. Sorry if you felt like Teddy was being a but neglected in the chapter, I did that for a reason. I want to make Harry want to wait a while about having kids if he realizes they all won't be able to all get the same amount of attention. I am thinking about starting a new book. Ir won't have anything to do with Harry Potter, just warning you. Anyway... TO BE CONTINUED!!...

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