Chapter 30

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Harry' POV

Ginny left early this morning and left me a note that said

Harry I left early this morning because Hermione needs me. I need you to take off of work today, take care of Teddy I don't know if I will be back in a few hours or I might be gone all day.

I love you, Ginny

Ok then, I walked into Teddy's room and saw he was sitting up in his crib.

"Yay Teddy your sitting up all by yourself, I am so proud of you!" I picked him up out of the crib and rocked him in the rocker. I read him the book Trucks. Then I took him over to the bathroom that connects to his room. I filled up the water and undressed Teddy. He keeps splashing me! After the bath I was just as wet as Teddy. I sat him in the jumper so he could play while I take a shower.

While in the shower I was wondering why Ginny needed to go to Hermione's so urgently. She usually waits until I wake up, and then tells me she has to go, but first he makes breakfast. Wait I just realized that Teddy nor I have had breakfast yet. I better hurry, I don't like him being unsupervised.

I finally got out and changed. I walked out of the closet over to Teddy and saw that he was sitting up by himself again! He is getting so big. Soon he will be coming home from his last year of Hogwarts with a beautiful girl in him arms. He will walk into his little brothers room and it is just his second year. They will talk about school and relationships. It will all come to fast. I brought the playpen in the kitchen so I can watch him while I make breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and he just started bawling. I ran into the living room and started cradling him in my arms. I whispered soothing words in his ear.

Then I said "accio bottle" I gave it to him and about halfway through it he stopped taking it, and started crying again. I didn't know what to do so I texted Ginny

Ginny Teddy wont take the rest of his bottle and he has been crying all morning. I don't know what to do! He is driving me crazy!

After a few seconds she replied

Have you changed his diaper?


Try giving him his pacifier.

I already did

Um try the teething ring... I haven't ever given it to him so he might not know what to do with it. Just stick it in his mouth.

I grabbed Teddy in my arm and my phone in the other, and we went up to Teddy's room and found the teething ring. When I put it in his mouth and he started chewing on it he immediately stopped crying.

Thanks Gin it worked

Ah I guess he is teething...

Yeah oh and guess what


He sat up by himself today!

Oh my gosh wow tell him Ginny says good job and that I love him. Oh and give him a his on the cheek for me!

Haha ok love you Gin bye

Love you too bye!

I walked over to the crib and did everything that Ginny told me to do. I rocked him I the rocker and after a few minutes he fell asleep. Finally I get to eat breakfast!

Ginny's POV

I just arrived at Hermione's house. We have been at lunch and she wouldn't tell me anything until we got to her house.

We walked through the door and we saw Ron sitting on the couch looking tired.

"I see you finally decided to come home and stay for a while." I said while annoyed

He just glared

"I decided to have a little talk to Ron last night before he could shut me out. Go ahead tell her everything" Hermione said sympathetically

"Ok so, a couple of weeks ago I wasn't feeling right. No matter how hard anyone tried, I just couldn't be happy. So I went on for a couple of days miserably an I finally got tired of it and went to the muggle doctor. He said that I was depressed. I thought it might be something else so I also went to St. Mungo's, they also said that I was depressed. I didn't want Hermione to know so I tried to keep my distance. I know now that that was a horrible idea. No matter how bad I was feeling I shouldn't have shut Hermione out. I think I am getting over it now. I fell a little better. I think what I need is to see all the family together, happy, and having a great time. I think that that would be the best cure." he said

I ran over to him and jumped in his lap while giving him a huge hug. I stayed hugging him for a while. I pushed him down flat on the couch and yelled to Hermione


We both jumped on Ron and we all fell in the floor with a loud thud. Then we laughed for about 10 minutes non stop.

After a while I bid goodbye saying that I haven't seen Harry and Teddy all morning and I miss them. I will arrange for us to have a family get together tonight. I just won't tell mom why.

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