Chapter 21

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For some reason my regular font isn't working. So sorry that y'all have to read such an important chapter in bold 😩! VOTE AND COMMENT!!

Harry's POV

The next day

Today is the day...June 2nd... I will propose to Ginny today. Teddy is still sleeping considering that its 5 am. I put a silencing charm on him because I have to decorate the house for tonight and I wouldn't want to wake him up. Hermione said that she could probably keep Ginny busy until about 7:00 tonight. She also said that she will tell Ginny that its Luna's birthday so she will hey her in a fancy dress and get her hair and makeup on. I personally think that she looks beautiful without makeup but I know how Ginny will be if there is going to be pictures and if everything goes right tonight there will be tons of pictures. I called a band last night to play and they said that they would be here at 7:15

I started with putting up streamers with the help of magic. That took about 5 minutes and there was tons of streamers. Then by magic I filled 250 balloons and they found themselves places all over the house. Then I hand washed all of the dishes and I used magic to clean all of the bathrooms. I walked into Teddy's room and picked up all of the toys. I took the garbage out. I hung up a welcome banner. I dusted the furniture. I made more food mainly Ginny's favorites such as

Fried chicken

Pecan pie

Chocolate chip cookies


Taco soup

Made a salad bar



And nachos

Yes I know all pretty random, but that is just what she likes. Teddy woke up around 7:30 so i was just starting the chocolate chip cookies. Gorge and Katie said that they would watch him until the party so he would be out of my hair. I had to call everyone and tell them to be here at 6:45. By the time I got all of that done and some more decorations placed here and there it was 6:30. I heard a crack so I went into the living room to see who was here. It was the Weasley's .

As soon as Teddy saw me he reached out his arms and lent forward.

"He has had breakfast, lunch, dinner, 3 diaper changings, 2 burpings, and a bath." said George

"Great job guys!" then I kissed Teddy on the forehead.

"Will one of you watch him while I go change and if anyone else gets here tell them I will be down I a sec."

Ron volunteered and I quickly went upstairs and got into the tux Teddy helped me pick out and sprayed my best cologne. I tried to fix my hair, but I'm sure you know how that went. When I was finished I walked downstairs and it looked like about everyone was here.

I walked over to Ron and took Teddy from him then asked "How long have I been getting ready?"

"About 10 minutes... It seems like we should have enough food."

I looked to my right and saw two tables overflowing with food.

"Yep." was all I said.

I took Teddy over to Luna.

She turned around and said
"Ah so this is the little one." she said in her usually wisp and cheery voice.

"Yes this is Teddy Lupin. Remus' child." I said

"He is quite adorable." she said then she walked off.

I heard someone yell "They are pulling in hide!" it took about 10 seconds for everyone to hide. After everyone was hid someone turned out the lights. Teddy and I hid behind the love seat. Then I heard the front door open and in walked Hermione first and then Ginny.

"What are we doing here we have to get to Luna's party?" Ginny asked.The lights were still off.

"You'll see." Said Hermione and then flicked the lights on everyone yelled surprise.

I ran over to her with Teddy in my arms.

"What is all of this?" she asked looking a round.

"It's for you. I figured that since you have moved in you haven't seen any of your friends so they are all here. Well except Dennis Creevey, he is sick." I said telling the truth but not all of it.

"Why are you wearing a tux?" she asked

"Look around." I said. Every girl in the room was wearing a dress and every boy in the room was wearing dress shirts.

"This is beautiful thank you Harry." she gave me a short soft sweet kiss on the lips.

Picked Teddy up and cradled him in her arms. Then kissed him on the cheek.

I stood over by the table and announced that dinner is served.

1 hour later

Everyone has been fed. Everyone was currently out in the back yard listening to the band play except the Weasley's because they knew what was about to happen. Ginny was holding Teddy in her arms.

"Um Ginny do you care if we go to the garden for a moment I need to talk to you." I said politely... and loudly considering that the band was loud.

"Of course!" I took Teddy in my arms than felt to make sure that the ring was still in my pocket.

When we got there the Weasley's were standing beside the pond. I handed Teddy to Charlie. There was an arch of flowers growing above our heads. There were fireflies buzzing around in the dark night sky. It was a full moon. Rode petals leading from the house to the garden. We were far enough away that we could faintly hear the music. I got down on one knee and took the ring out of my pocket. Then I began.

" Ginevra Molly Weasley I have know you since I was 11 years old. I have thought of you a friend since I was 11 years old. When I was 12 I saved you from Tom Riddle at that moment I knew there was something special about you. I fell in love with you at 15. We have shared great memories and I know we will share many more. And here at 18 years I am asking the woman I love with my entire heart to be my wife. Ginny Weasley will you marry me?"

She had tears streaming down her face finally she chocked out a small "of course" I slid the ring on her finger.Then I hugged her while picking her up. Then we kissed so passionately it felt like we were the only ones for miles.

Later that night

Ginny and I were laying in bed together just enjoying each others presents. Teddy was laying in between us sleeping.

"I can believe we are getting married. When you told me you were planning on proposing soon I thought you meant like next year not next month." Ginny said still looking shocked yet happy

"I keep my promises Mrs. Future Ginny Potter" I replied

"Ginny Potter..." she repeated "I love the sound of that!"

"I love you." I said

"I love you too."

Then we both fell asleep with Teddy in between us dreaming of our future.

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