Chapter 16

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Katie's POV

George walked into the room first and then me. I felt so nervous knowing that they probably won't take me back into their family considering the two things that I did to George. Left him without saying anything and made him a teenage father. Well if everything goes smoothly he won't be a teenager by the time we have the baby.

"Hi guys long time no see." I said very nervously. Everyone in the room except Ginny, Hermione, and George. Who wore big smiles on their face.

"Hey Katie." said everyone

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley can George and I talk to you in private?"

"Yes dear!" said Mrs. Weasley we walked out side the door as we were walking I whispered in Ginny's ear for her to tell the others.

"Ok so I bet y'all are wondering where I have been."

"Yes." said Mr. Weasley

"Well ok so..." I took a deep breath in "I'm pregnant... and George is the father... I didn't want to tell him because I knew if I did considering that we are both still teenagers... I thought that I would ruin his life. So I fled... I went to my Aunt Lizzie's house. I came back today to see if it is a boy or girl.... We are having a girl. I hope y'all don't hate me. I just thought I was doing the right thing. Now I know how much I hurt him. There wasn't one night away that I didn't cry my self asleep missing George.Im sorry...''

Mrs. Weasley came over and gave me a hug

"I'm gonna be a grandmomma! I'm so happy, but how could y'all do that, especially while y'all are still teenagers!"

"I know mom but I don't regret it and my the time the baby's here I will be 20." Said George

"Son I'm proud." said Mr. Weasley.

"Ok I guess it's time for us to go tell the others!" Said George

"I have a feeling that won't be mandatory..." I cracked the door open and about 7 bodies fell out they all got up and hugged me and slapped George on his back.

"Congrats man!" yelled Bill.

"Do y'all want to go back to the burrow and celebrate? The doctors said Charlie is ready to come home. Just no ruff housing with him until he is in a more stable condition."

"Ok" George and I said in unison.


At the burrow

George's POV

"Ok so do you want to think about baby names maybe...?" said Katie

"Maybe later in the in pregnancy will be a bit better.''

"I agree" said Katie

"I don't think he should get supplies yet at least not for a few more months." I said

"Ok I was dreading that anyway."

"Ok so I know that I said we should wait a bit longer in the pregnancy to think about baby names, but I would really like if the baby's name could start with K? I don't know I just love like all girl names that start with K." I said

"I love that Idea. Maybe the middle name can start with A.?


"So who do you think should be the godparents?" Asked Katie

"To tell the truth I really don't know..."

"It's ok we can think about that a lot later in the pregnancy. In just so excited I can't help my self from expressing it."

"Haha you had a totally different perspective on that a few hours ago!"

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