Chapter 17

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I hit 100 reads thank y'all so much! Like I am literally tearing up. I probably wouldn't even have gotten past the 4th chapter if it wasn't for y'all. This is a full out Hinny chapter. I LOVE Y'ALL.

P.S. if y'all are wondering why I say y'all so much. It's because I love in the most southern part of Tennessee and that's just how we talk!

Harry's POV

Today when I got up this morning for work I went into Teddy's room to say goodbye and he is usually awake by now. He is now 2 and a half months old. He was sleeping in his crib peacefully, but his face was really red. He had all of his covers on him and he never has them all on. I picked him up, cradled him, and felt his forehead. Wow his forehead has to be at least 100 degrees. I went into the bathroom and got thermometer I woke him up and he was crying. I bounced him so I could calm him down and stick the thermometer in his mouth. When I finally did his temperature was 106 degrees. I put him on my shoulder and ran down to our bedroom where Ginny was reading in our bed and showed her the thermometer.

"Ugh you can go on to work I can take care of him." said Ginny

"Nice try at getting rid of me and no Teddy is sick so I am staying home. Plus I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with you lately and this is the perfect opportunity. The Ministry will understand considering Remus was in the order and this is his child. Man I miss him. After Sirius he was my father figure. Most people would probably think I would say Professor Dumbledore before he passed, but no because to me he was more like the wise old Grandpaw. " I said

"Ok you can stay home and... a wise old Grandpaw I will have to remember that. I will go and tell the ministry real quick and then go and pick him up some medicine maybe talk to his doctor about what I should do."

"Ok love you" I said pecking her on the lips

"Love ya to!" then she left. Apparently she decided that she was going to take the muggle car. I wonder why.

"Ok then Teddy what are we going to do?" I asked hopefully and waited a few seconds.

"Ah that's ok I didn't really expect an answer." I took him over to the couch and was cradling him.

"Accio bottle, accio medicine, accio chocolate." all the things came towards me and I mixed them all up so he would be getting his medicine without knowing. When he drank it all I almost jumped for joy. According to Ginny he hasn't been eating very well lately. He looked like he was about to cry so I turned on Frozen. I remember when I was at his grandmothers and he was sick so they were watching frozen. Apparently it calms him or something. I think it's funny because Professor Lupin told me, before he passed, that when he was a kid watching The Wizard of Oz calmed him. We were currently at the part where Anna and Elsa's parents died. Then I realized that Teddy was asleep on my shoulder. I quietly walked up the stairs to his bedroom and gently placed him in this crib. Then I heard Ginny coming up the stairs.

"Hey Gin did you get his medicine?"

"Yeah he can take it after he gets up."

"I put some simple over the counter stuff in his bottle this morning."

"Ok let's go to our room and talk." she said sweetly

We went to our room and we both laid on the bed.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked in a baby voice

"No and why would you be in trouble mister." she asked

"No reason" I said truthfully

"I wanted to talk to you about babies." She said shyly

"And what about them?"

"I want a baby." she said

"We have a baby."

"I know but I just want a baby that's my own flesh and blood."

"Me too I love children, but don't you think we should be married first?" I said not really knowing anything else to say

"Will that be happening soon?" she asked hopefully

"Very soon!" I said truthfully and I held her in my arms and we took a nice little nap together.

Teddy's POV

Me woke up and felt bad. Me want to cry but a talkie in my head told I not to. Me want to go back to sweep. Me do that.

Ginny's POV

I could just lay here forever. I was only asleep for like 20 minutes Harry is still asleep. I would leave and go fix us all lunch but his grip around me is to strong. I really want a baby. I love Teddy to death, but I really want my own baby. I want another boy because with girls there is a lot of drama, but I know eventually I will want a baby girl. I made a deal with Harry when we first started dating that if we grow up and have kids, he will have to give the boys' 'the talk' and I will have to give the girls' 'the talk'. I will hold that against him when Teddy is about 11. I feel like just yesterday that man came up to our door and gave Teddy to us. Harry said for Christmas he was going to get Teddy a life size playhouse. I can already tell that he will grow up spoiled. Just the other day Percy was talking about how long Teddy's name is. Edward Teddy Remus Lupin Potter. He said that its a good thing that he isn't a girl who gets everything monogrammed or that shirt would be the size of Harry's Uncle Vernon's. I thought that was rude considering that he can't help what he was named. Then I heard Harry waking up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said

I laughed "Harry it's not morning we just took a nap remember?"

It took him a few seconds but then he said "Oh yeah I remember that. Man that means Teddy is still sick."

"Yes he is I probably need to go check up on him. I haven't heard him at all since I got here." I got up and I could tell that Harry was instantly cold because he pulled the covers up on him and kept laying there. I walked into Teddy's room and noticed that he was awake and slapping his stuffed snitch.

"Oh hey baby." I picked him up and he touched my cheek and I knew that he used him loup. He hasn't used it in a while. When he did I felt like I wanted to cry and I had the urge to throw up. His normal turquoise hair is not a violet color that I have never seen on him before.

"I'm sorry you feel bad honey." he was laying over shoulder and I was rocking back and forth trying to feel better.I quickly gave him his medicine. I remember one of the first times I ever met Teddy. I was with Harry and Teddy was sick. I remember Harry telling me that Teddy's grandmother told him that when Teddy is sick he is very clingy. I kissed him on the cheek and sat down in the rocker so I could read him a story. I grabbed his snitch first though. I read him a chapter of the Bible. I know most people would think that we don't believe in God because we are witches and wizards but we do. Harry walked into the room just as I finished. He grabbed Teddy and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"I believe that his fever has gone down a little." Said Harry. I got up and got the fever checker. His fever was 103.

"It's 103. Will you go wet a washcloth I remember that's what my mom used to do to us it brings it down a bit."

"Ok love"

I folded the washcloth and stuck it on his head and put him in the crib because I could tell he was getting sleepy.

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