Almond Justice

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Ah, dinnertime. The time you'd been waiting for all day. You were absolutely starving, and you couldn't wait to fix yourself something to eat.

Now, what to munch on?

Chicken pot pie? ....No. Hamburgers? No, you had that yesterday. Hmm... Oh! Pizza!

Yeah, pizza sounded great!

You grab your phone and dial the number to your favorite pizza place. 

"Hello, (pizza place), how can I help you?" The pizza girl says into the phone after picking up.

"Hi, I'd like to get a delivery."

"Oh, I'm so sorry we're not able to deliver today. Is pick up okay?"

You thought it over before ultimately deciding that traveling for food wasn't to bad. Especially since it's pizza.

"Yeah, that's fine."

You place your order and grab your car keys and jacket. Just as your about to walk out the door, you here someone clearing their throat. You look to the side and see Almond Cookie on the TV stand.

"Oh, hey Almond Cookie." You say. "Sorry, I didn't see you."

"And where do you think you're going so late at night, Kid?" Almond Cookie says, crossing his arms.

You look at the clock. It read 8:55 PM. 

"To get food. Besides it's not that late."

Almond Cookie looks towards your window. It was pretty dark outside.

"Right. Anyway kid, I'm coming with you."

You smile, happy to have someone to tag along with.

"Okay, if your sure. Let's go." 

You hold out your hand and let Almond Cookie hop onto it. You then let him jump up to your shoulder. 

You leave your home, closing and locking the door behind you, and make your way to your car.

Getting into the car you place Almond Cookie in the passenger seat and buckle him up. It was a silly sight, but safety always comes first, no matter human or cookie.

You start up your car and drive off to the pizza place. It would take about ten minutes, so you decided to spark some conversation with Almond Cookie.

"So Almond Cookie, what have you been up to today?"

"Same as the day before. Chasing around criminals."

"Sounds exiting."

"Yeah, about as exiting as throwing your back out."

You laugh at that, then you realize Almond Cookie may have actually thrown his back out multiple times.

You and Almond Cookie arrive at the pizza place. You grab your wallet and roll down your cars' window.

"I'm going in to get the pizza. You stay here. Can't let everyone know I have sentient cookies by my side." You say to Almond Cookie. He nods and you exit you vehicle.

You and the cookies had already agreed letting others know about them wasn't a good idea. If people knew they were real, they'd possibly get into danger. So, until you found some way for the cookies to blend in, they were to stay hidden.

Walking to the pizza place, you notice it's extremely bare. In fact, there was only one guy eating at a table. Odd. This place was usually very busy... Oh, well.

You get the attention of an employee. She walks up to the desk and asks what you came for.

"I came to pick up an order for (Y/N)." You give the employee you phone number for confirmation.

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