Juice Drinker

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It was around seven thirty at night. You were busying yourself by doing the dishes and singing along to a song you had playing in your earphones.

"Sipping blood like I'm a vampire. Feels like codeine drippin on me. Masquerade now where's the coke line. Playing bloodlines, where's that clapback. Feel like Dracula way I scare you. Cry for help but I cant hear you. Now you part of my blood omen. Getting high off serotonin."

You continue to sing the song and do the dishes. You dry off a plate and place it in the cabinet. Just as you get back to drying another dish, you hear a thump.

You take out one of your earphones to listen out for anything. After about ten seconds of silence, you place the earphone back in your ear and continue with the next verse of the song. 

"Seek them out now one by one. Droppin bodies like a nun. Two twin glocks name Bonnie and Clyde. Slide thru roofs like I'm Tom Cruise. I think I'm fin please just leave. Walk around like I cant see. Imma fly like a bat, can track your tracks. They see my face get a heart attack."

You about have an actual heart attack when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You yelp and turn around to see Sparkling Cookie in his human form. You turn off your music and take out your earphones.

"You scared me, Sparkling."

"I apologize," Sparkling says, rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle," What were you singing?"

"Oh, just a normal song." You say, not wanting Sparkling to freaked out by your questionable music taste. "Anyway, what are ya doing here? I thought you ran your juice bar today?"

Sparkling sighs and motions for you to follow him. You follow him into your living room and quickly see what the problem is.

On the floor, passed out, was Vampire cookie in his human form.


"I need you to babysit him for a while. He's way to loopy to be in my juice bar tonight."

"Sure thing."

"Thank you very much. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Sparkling leaves through a portal and your left alone with Vampire. You roll up your sleeves and do your best to pick him up off the floor and onto the couch. Once he's on the couch you grab a blanket and cover him with it.

This shouldn't be so hard, right?

You go back to washing dishes. You don't turn your music back on so you can listen for Vampire in case anything goes wrong. Which was a good idea, because about five minutes into washing dishes you heard another thump.

You walk into you living room and see Vampire on the floor again. You sigh, dry your hands and go to pick him back up. Before you can, he starts floating in thin air.

After about ten seconds of shocked silence you try calling for him.

"Hey Vampire, stop ascending and lay back down!" You yell up to him. You see his eyes open slightly and he looks down at you.

"Eh.... Who are you again?"

"Uh, (Y/N)," You say. Vampire only looks down at you, a bored expression on his face. "Your human friend from another world?" His eyes roll into the back of his head as he's about to pass out again. "Oh, God-"

Vampire passes out, landing on top of you in the process. It hurt.

"Ow ow ow..." You crawl out from underneath Vampire.

This was gonna be harder than you'd initially thought.

Suddenly there's knocking at your door. You quickly push Vampire out of sight and go to answer it.

You open the door and your neighbor greets you once again.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

"Hi." You greet back.

"What's wrong? You look like you just got crushed."


"Everything okay over here?" The familiar voice of Vampire says as he looks over your shoulder at your neighbor. Strange. He was completely sober.

"Uh, (Y/N), who's this?"

"Oh! Uh... This is Vee. A new friend of mine." You semi-lied.

You notice your neighbor is very nervous. You look back at Vampire and realize his pupils were slit like a snakes and slightly glowing. Not only that, but the one sharp fang poking out of his mouth in tune with his eyes and glare made him look pretty damn intimidating. You turn back to your neighbor.

"Don't worry about him. He's got resting bitch face syndrome and all that. What did ya need?"

"Um... N-Nothing. I'll talk to ya later." With that, your neighbor leaves, looking scared as all hell. 

You close the door and turn to Vampire with you hands on your hips.

"What was all that about?" You ask angrily.

"What?" Vampire replies. His glare was gone, and he had someone how acquired himself another glass of juice. You take the juice out of his hand, walk into the kitchen, and pour it down the sink. "Hey!"

"No drinks!" You snap, pointing at Vampire.

"Chill, I'm only trying to protect ya."

"From what? My neighbor? They haven't done anything."

"You don't know that." It was Vampire's turn to sigh. "Look, someone wants you dead. You know that. So, you can't really trust anyone, okay?" He tries to explain.

You exhale. You really didn't know how to argue with that. It's true, someone wanted you dead, so you had to be careful.

"Okay, okay... Just no more scaring off my friends." You say.

"No promises."


Vampire Cookie walked into Sparkling Cookie's now empty bar. Sparkling Cookie was cleaning a glass when he saw Vampire Cookie sit down at a stool out of the corner of his eye.

"Hello Vampire Cookie, how was your night with (Y/N)?" Sparkling Cookie asks.

"Fun. We played Monopoly after I scared their neighbor away. Every time I ended up in jail they'd say it because of drunk driving." Vampire Cookie chuckles.

"Oh, you did the scary eye thing?"


"Good man."

Sparkling Cookie and Vampire Cookie share a chuckle before things go silent.

"...Seriously though. Do you think we'll be able to keep (Y/N) safe?" Sparkling Cookie asks.

"I... I hope so. It's not like we can keep them locked up in their own home."

"Yeah. We just gotta make sure one of us is there for them."


"Gentlemen." A new voice says. Vampire Cookie and Sparkling Cookie turn their heads to see Red Velvet Cookie. "I think I have an idea."


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this one! I'm still feeling a little sick so it's a bit meh, but oh well lol.

I'll leave you with a poorly written riddle to help you find out what the next chapter will be about.

What's wise, white, and painful?

There ya go that's the riddle.

Take care!

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