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Your back slams into the rocky wall behind you, dirt and sharp pebbles litter your armor as if it were merely rain. For a second your vision is blurred and you cannot see anything except for two glowing dark yellow eyes a little ways away from you.

"Fucker..." You growl as you stand up and face the large, furry wyvern in front of you, gripping your dual blades in your hands, your vision returning back to normal.

It was an odd sight for sure. A creature that was reminiscent of a wyvern and a cat of some sorts. With blue fur, a rounded beak, and wings that were just a part of its arms. It's tale imbedded with sharp spines that would kill any normal person on impact.

You weren't any normal person though.

The creature hissed as you moved, ready to pounce on you again. It's fur flaring and eyes turning into a deep red.

It dashed at you, but it was pretty simple to dodge. Rolling out of the way of danger was one of the first things you learned when taking up the mantel of a monster hunter.

While the monster was busy turning itself around, you reached for a health potion.

Only to quickly find out that you'd run out of those on your last hunt.

Before you can even mutter a curse out of anger, the monster was launching itself at you again. You rolled, but you were clipped by it's razor sharp wing and stunned, leaving you open.

Your last sight was seeing the monster's tail slam down on you...

You Fainted

"This is some bullshit." You say, setting your Nintendo Switch controller down and crossing your arms. You lay back on the couch, catching a glimpse of Crimson staring at the TV. You turn and see he looks absolutely mortified.

Your confused for a moment, before realizing he probably doesn't grasp the concept of video games.

"It's not real, buddy." You say, extending your hand and petting his head. Crimson huffs and turns his head away from you. How dare you try to kill virtual dragons?

Before you could try to explain how that stupid nargacuga had it coming, Crimson removes himself from the couch and trots over to your front door. He then sits down and starts scratching at it.

"Hey, your gonna scratch off the paint." You say, getting up to let him outside. As you open the door for him you make sure to recount the rules of him exploring outside, which is just many different ways of not letting other humans see you.

"-and if you see any clowns, don't approach them. Ya got all that?"

Crimson barks and sprints outside, finally happy to be released from your home. You shake your head with a chuckle and go back to playing Monster Hunter. You had a date with a master rank nargacuga and you weren't going to relax until you had its pelt as a trophy.

A couple hours of infuriated monster killing later you hear soft knocks at your door.

"It's open!" You call out.

A humanized cookie walks in and as soon as she spoke you knew it was gonna be an annoying ass day.


You exhale and pause your game.

"Pomegranate Cookie," you try to stay calm as you turn to face her," to what do I owe the pleaser?"

Yeah, you and her didn't really get along. Nothing happened between the two of you to start this. It was just annoyance at first sight.

"Your pet is causing a ruckus outside."

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