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Food? Check. Bills? Check. Spare tire? Check.

It seemed like you'd bought everything you'd needed for this weeks paycheck. You were thinking of spending the rest of the money on some new clothes for yourself. After all, it was your money and you couldn't think of anything else to buy. You could just save it, but nobody said you had to be responsible with your money all the time.

You grab the keys to your car and just as your about to exit your home...


The loud, boisterous greeting made you drop your keys and almost trip over yourself. You turn to see Madeleine Cookie in his human form. His hair seemed to flow in the nonexistent wind as he gave a wide smile.

"Good God Madeleine, you scared me half to death!"

"Ha ha!"

You growl, making Madeleine sweat drop for a second before he quickly changed the subject.

"Where are you headed off to?" He asks.

"To the store."

"I shall join you then!"

You look Madeleine up and down and raise a brow at him. He was still dressed in his usual battle armor and had his sword clutched in his hand.

"Is something wrong?" He asks.

"Uhh... No offence Madeleine, but you can't walk into a store dressed like that."


"No buts, Madeleine. If you want to come with me, your putting on some different clothes-" An idea hits you, knocking you straight out of your sentence.

You should buy clothes for the cookies!

After all, they did usually stick to their one outfit. They're video game characters, so that was normal. But if you were going to take them out in public, then you had to get them some regular human attire.

You tell Madeleine about your plan and he immediately agrees to it.

"It will be nice to see how you humans dress! Now, shall we get a move on?"


You walk into your room and pull out a large white tank top and black sweatpants for Madeleine to wear to the store. You throw them at him and tell him to change in the bathroom.

When Madeleine comes out of the bathroom, you see his visibly unsure about the outfit you'd given him.

"(Y-Y/N), are you sure these garments are okay to wear in public?"

Madeleine was quite muscular. You didn't realize earlier due to his armor, but he was well built with an athletic body. Any guy would dream of having a body like that. Hell, any girl would foam at the mouth just seeing him. Especially with his muscles exposed in the tank top.

"Yeah, it's fine. Trust me I've dressed worse going into public places." You say, ignoring the possibility of him being bombarded by women. It was fairly early so not many people would be out and about just yet. You figured you wouldn't have to worry about it.

You and Madeleine hop into your car and drive off to the clothing store.

During the whole ride to the store, Madeleine asks tons of questions as you drive by certain areas. He was amazed by the buildings in your area.

"What's that?" He points to a building surrounded by cars.

"McDonald's. People are getting breakfast there."

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