Teeth of Wisdom - Hello Neighbor

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There you were, drinking tea on your couch watching your favorite show. Everything was great. Except for the lingering thought that someone wanted you dead. Every time you found some relief from the thought it always seemed to creep back into your mind.

A notification sound from your phone snaps you out of your thoughts. You go to check it. It was a reminder from your calendar.

Your wisdom tooth surgery was tomorrow.

"...Shit." You mumble.

"My my, such language."

You jump a little and turn to see Espresso Cookie in his human form walking over to you. You calm yourself and reply.

"Well such language is necessary when your about to get your teeth ripped out of your head." You say, putting your phone down.

"P-Pardon?" Espressos seemed shocked.

"You see, when your wisdom teeth try to come in they mess up all your other teeth so you need to get them taken out."

"That sounds awful."

"It is, but it's safe. I just gotta get my neighbor to drive me back home after the surgery. Since I'll be high and all that."

"Perhaps one of us could accompany you after you get these teeth of wisdom out?"

"You guys can come by once I'm back home. I'll need someone to watch me while I'm all loopy."

You get up off the couch and head into the kitchen. You start fixing your last solid meal as you won't be able to eat anything solid after the surgery for at least a week.

You use the rest of the day to prepare for the surgery. You read over what you'll have to do afterwards, make sure you have plenty of ice cream and soup stashed away, and just mentally prepare yourself overall.

The next morning you and you neighbor head out to the surgeons office. Unbeknownst to you, three cookies had found their way into the back seat of your car, hidden away to keep an eye on you. These three cookies being; Almond Cookie, Espresso Cookie, and Werewolf Cookie.

The three cookies hid in the back of your car while you and your neighbor drove to the surgeon. Once there, they snuck out and followed you as you were getting out. Being carful not to get spotted by you or any other humans.

You walk into the waiting room, sign the various forms you need before the surgery, and wait. The cookies hid behind a fake potted plant in the waiting room.

Eventually your called back and you and your surgery begins.

"Don't let anyone take my phone and stuff, k?" You say to your neighbor.

"You can count on me. Have fun." They mock you as you walk back to the surgeon.

"Espresso Cookie, go." Almond Cookie says to Espresso Cookie. Espresso Cookie nods and follows you into the surgeons room without being seen.

Almond Cookie and Werewolf Cookie stayed back. Your neighbor was the only one in the waiting room and they wanted to keep an eye on them. They soon became aware that that was a good idea.

You neighbor soon got a call from someone. They pick up their phone and begin speaking.

"Hello.... Yes.... Yes, I'll get it done soon.... (Y/N) will be six feet under by morning."

The cookies eyes widen and they listen closer.

"I'll make sure to bring the cookies to you.... Right.... Okay, see you then." Your neighbor puts down their phone and that's that.

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