Crimson The Cake Dragon's New Friend

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The red velvet dragon watched the digital clock intently. He knew you always got up around a certain time and he'd learned quickly that the clock was the best way to know that time. Despite being a literal dragon, he was smart. 

For example, the dragon, which you had decided to name Crimson, learned to open doors with his paws after watching you do it only a couple times. Not only that, but he'd learned to open the refrigerator as well. While you were impressed, you weren't exactly happy about it when you found out the rib eye steaks you'd bought had been eaten.

A cake dragon eating meat.... Weird. Well, dragons will be dragons.

Crimson was the size of a great dane, so he was pretty big. You also figured out he could grow to a much larger size when he wanted to. Though it was rare. He liked staying in your home for the most part.

You began to stir and you arose from your bed. Crimson immediately went to greet you good morning with a lick on the face.

"Good morning, buddy..." You say tiredly. "Are ya hungry?"

Crimson replied with a bark, well, you guessed it was a bark, and headed over to your door. He opened it by twisting his paw on the doorknob and then began running into the kitchen. You followed quickly, as you didn't want him opening the fridge again. You had some bacon that you were pretty exited about and didn't want him eating that as well.

Once you and Crimson entered the kitchen you grabbed his bowl and filled it to the brim with sweets of all kinds as it was part of his primary diet.

"What's on the agenda today, bud?" You ask the dragon. Though, he was busy eating. "Is food all you think about?"

That got the dragons' attention. He almost looked offended. He gave a noise akin to a scoff and went back to his meal.

You and Crimson finish up your meals and it's then that Red Velvet shows up in his human form along with Chiffon.

"Oh, hey. Do we have training today?" You ask. Crimson lifts his head up from his food bowl and notices Chiffon. Chiffon hides behind Red Velevet's leg, frightened.

"No. I was coming to see if Crimson would appreciate a new cake friend." Red Velvet looks down to Chiffon. "Go on. Say hello, Chiffon." He lifts his leg so Chiffon would be in plain sight of Crimson. Chiffon whimpers as Crimson goes in to sniff him.

"Be nice, Crimson." You say.

As Chiffon continues to cower, Crimson examines him. He tilts his head seemingly unaware of his somewhat imposing appearance.

Suddenly, Crimson percks his head up as if he got an idea. He trots back over to his food bowl and picks up a candy cane with his mouth. He then goes back over to Chiffon and offers the candy cane to him by placing ot on the floor and pushing it over to him with his muzzle.

Chiffon sniffs the candy cane then happily yapps and takes it. They both wag their tails happily.

"Awe, they're friends now." You say happily. Red Velvet chuckles as you watch the two cake monsters play together in your kitchen.

Seems Crimson has succeeded in making a new friend!


Heyo! Sorry for the long gap in between updates! Imma at least get a Christmas special out for yall for the end of the year!

Also I've recently gotten into Genshin Impact... like REALLY into it. (I'm most likely pulling for Itto as you read this) So yeah. Expect some kind of Genshin Impact book from me within a few months 💅

Ok see ya!

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