Pack Animal

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It was a sunny evening with barely any clouds and no chance of rain. While some people stayed inside their homes for the rest of the day, you decided it would be a great evening for a hike.

Just as your about to exit your home with your hiking stick, your hear a voice.


You turn to see Werewolf Cookie in his human form. Oddly enough, even with his human form, he still had wolf ears on the top of his head.

"You cookies always seem to appear when I'm about to go somewhere." You giggle.

Werewolf Cookie didn't speak any further. He just looked away.

"...Hey you wanna come with me on my hike?" You ask the werewolf.

"N-no. I may hurt you." He replied with a stutter. You shake your head.

"I don't think you will. Plus, you wouldn't have come if you were really afraid of hurting me."

Werewolf looked back at you, his ear flicking. You grab your keys, then his hand.

"Come on."

You knew you had to be gentle with Werewolf Cookie. He was always afraid if hurting others, but according to the other cookies, he was actually very nice. Just a bit timid.

There was a hiking trail about an hour away from your home. It was famous for sightings of creatures like Bigfoot or wolves. It was safe and the game wardens were always around to protect anyone who came by, so you had no need to worry about a wild animal attack.

Werewolf was quiet the whole hour ride. He just looked out the window, ears folded down with a neutral expression on his face.

Once you finally reached the hiking trail, the two of you got out of the car.

"Hello." A game warden says, walking up to the two of you. Werewolf hides his face and doesn't speak.

"Hi, is the trail still open for the day?" You ask the warden.

"Yep. Go right on ahead. We don't have any other free wardens to guide you today though, so stay on the safe trails."

"Will do. Thanks."

The warden nods and heads back into his shed. You turn to Werewolf.

"You okay?"

His ears fold down against his skull again and he was still hiding his face from you.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Werewolf immediately growls, turning his head towards you. You back up, noticing his fangs. You grip onto your hiking stick, wondering if you'd need to use it to defend yourself.

Werewolf's eyes soften and he stops baring his fangs. He turns away from you again.

"...Sorry." He says. Your grip on your hiking stick loosens.

"Hey, it's okay," you start," C'mon let's go hike." You grab his hand again and begin leading him to the hiking trail.

Werewolf's nails were sharp. Like, REALLY sharp. It was strange to you at first. Then you remembered he's literally a werewolf.

After a while of walking down the trail and crossing a few bridges. You come across a sign. They seemed to be pointing to different directions. The sign on top pointing to the left said 'Common Trail' while the other pointing to the right said 'Do not enter without game warden'.

"Guess we're going this way." You say walking left.

Werewolf was now walking behind you. He still seemed cautious. He had already growled at you, so you guessed he didn't want to seem overbearing or threatening.

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