Halloween Special

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You look at yourself in the mirror, admiring your costume. It was Halloween tomorrow and you had just made the final touches on it and you were quite happy with how it turned out.

You had bought mountains of candy to give to the kids for the night (Not to mention some for yourself) and everything was ready. All you had to do was wait until the next day.

"Knock knock."

You turn your head and see Parfait Cookie and Pumpkin Pie Cookie in their human forms. Parfait knocking on your open bathroom door.

"Hey you two. You ready for Halloween?"

"Absolutely!" Parfait exclaimed. 

"I am quite exited as well. The others should be here soon." Pumpkin Pie says.

You had invited all the cookies, yes all of them, to help out for Halloween and give out candy, take photos, and just have some fun.

The best thing about it was that the cookies didn't have to change out of their normal attire, they could just be themselves.

So a few hours later all the humanized cookies are in your yard, giving out candy to children and taking pictures with them. You had cool music playing as well for some of the cookies to dance to. Everything was going great.

There you were greeting kids at the end of your driveway when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to see Dark Choco, and Pomegranate looking a bit panicked.

"We have a problem." Pomegranate says.

"What sort of problem? Did we run out of candy or something?" You ask.

"No. This has nothing to do with candy. Follow us." Dark Choco says, turning and walking away. Pomegranate follows, as do you.

You and the two cookies walk behind your home. You were expecting you neighbor to have been causing trouble or something, but no. A giant freaking red velvet dragon was behind your home!

The dragon was as big as your home, maybe bigger. Red Velvet was trying his best to keep the dragon from being seen.

"This is just great," you say crossing your arms," how did it even get here?"

"I'm not sure, but we need to get it back to our world quickly." Red Velvet said.

Thankfully the dragon was calm. It must've been because of Red Velvet. Though when it spotted you, it started to sniff you and wag its tail.

"What do ya know. It likes you, (Y/N)" Red Velvet says.

You cautiously begin to pet the large dragon on the head. It seemed tame enough. Even with all the cookies and other people around. The dragon lick you and you laugh. Then you get an idea. You must've made a face because Dark Choco quickly spoke up.

"(Y/N). Whatever your thinking is unwise."

"Oh come on! Having a dragon as a pet is a dream come true!" You retaliate. Dark Choco grunts. "Please." You say, drawing the word out. 

"...Fine." Dark Choco doesn't even attempt to sway you any further.

"YES!" You say hugging the dragons head. It seems to growl happily.

Suddenly the dragon starts glowing... and shrinking. Soon enough it's the size of a great dane dog.

"I didn't know it could do that! That's so cool!" You say as the dragon playfully jumps on you.

"So what will you name it?" Red Velvet asks, walking up to you and the dragon.

You think for a moment before your eyes light up and you speak to the dragon.

"Your name shall be...."


Leave name suggestions for your new buddy in the comments!

Sorry this was short, I wasn't sure how to make it longer, but hey at least I got it out!

Also I have absolutely zero friends on Cookie Run Kingdom, so feel free to l send me a friend request! My name is ReconCookies and I play on the chaotic Pure Vanilla server! I'm currently in a guild already, but I may make one myself in the future!

Also feel free to poke fun at my kingdom I suck at making things need in video games.

Oh and up top is a pick of my current team just because lol

See ya in the next one!

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