Little Red Riding Hood (Werewolf Cookie X Reader Pt 1)

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A/N: All the cookies are in their humans forms in this chapter.

It was a sunny day. The birds were chirping, the woodland animals played, and the water from the river flowed at a steady pace. You take a breath of the fresh forest air and nod your head. It was a perfect day to go see your mentors.

You grab a picnic basket and set it inside on the kitchen table. Well, if you could even call it a table. It was rather small and you lived alone, so it was more of a coffee table then anything else.

You grab a loaf of bread, some jams, dark chocolate, and red velvet cake that you'd prepared the day before, and organize it in the basket along with some fresh herbs. Then you close up the basket and begin to walk out the door with it.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" You say to yourself as you realized you'd left out something important. You go back into the kitchen and grab a large jar full of cookies of all kinds. You pour the cookies into the basket and nod your head triumphantly. You then grab your red hood and exit your cottage home.

You take one last look at your home for the next week or so. Your cottage was decorated with flowers that had been given to you by your neighbor, Herb.

"Man, Herb really did a good job with these flowers." You say to yourself. 

Just then, as if his name were a curtain call, Herb appeared out of your garden.

"Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear," you giggle. "How are you, Herb?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking. And you?" Herb asked.

"I'm good as well. I'm just on my way to see my mentors for the next week." You say.

"Oh, be careful please. I heard that there was a werewolf sighting nearby." Herb said in a slight panic.

"Oh please, I'm sure I can take care of some mangy mutt." You say, flashing your dagger in your pocket.

"Well, if your sure. Have a safe trip." Herb gives you a slight bow.

With that you were on your way to see your mentors. It would take a few hours walk, but it was a trip you were used to by now.

Your mentors took you in and trained you starting about a year ago. You were homeless before that. You still don't know why they took you in, but you were forever grateful for it. Eventually you were able to get a home built and now you make frequent visits to your mentors for more training.

About halfway into your trip you begin to hear shouting up ahead. You pick up the pace, wondering if someone was in trouble. 

You round the corner and see a small church building with a wooden stage on the outside. You'd passed this church many times, but you'd always assumed it was abandoned due to fact you'd never seen anyone there before. This time, however, there was a group of people holding pitchforks and spears. They were yelling at something. As you get closer you realized there was a cage on the stage.

"What's going on here?" You yell as you stand behind the crowd. A man turns to you.

"Look for yourself." The man gestures to the stage and the crowd parts for you to see.

A man... with wolf ears?

"This dog tried robbing the shops of all our meats!" A woman yells, hitting the cage with a large stick casing the man inside to flinch and growl. That's when you notice his fangs.

"A werewolf..." You say.

"Good eye, young'un. This one's been causing all sorts of trouble, but now we get justice." The man from before says to you then turns to a younger looking boy with a shotgun.

"Do it, Tom."

Your head whips to the werewolf in the cage. He looks back at you with fear in his eyes, and his ears folded down. He then tries to force open the cage sporadically.

"W-Wait," you yell and grab the man by the shoulder," There must be another way to solve this! A trial maybe?" You try to reason with the crowd that was now watching you.

"A trial? Pah! Werewolves don't get trials. They get death!" A woman from the crowd yells. She then turns to the boy with the shotgun. "Light this fucker up!"

As the crowd turns its attention away from you and back to the werewolf. Your mind was spinning. This wasn't justice...

You make up your mind. You grab your dagger out of it's holster and throw it at the lock on the cage. Your dagger slices open the metal lock and the cage opens. The dagger then swirls back to your hand.

"RUN!" You yell to the werewolf.

"SHOOT IT!" A man yells and the young boy takes aim.

The werewolf jumps out of the cage just as the boy shoots. He jumps over the crowd and transforms into a large grey wolf.

He lands in front of you and scoops you up onto his back as the crowd begins to chase after the two of you. He runs off with you, dodging bullets from the shotgun.

You hold onto the scruff of the werewolf's neck as he ran. He ran, and ran, and ran until the sounds of the crowd were far gone. Then he skidded to a stop, causing you to fall off of his back.

It hadn't occurred to you that you still had your basket of goodies. Though, you had dropped them once you fell of the werewolf's back.

You get up off the ground and dust yourself off. You see the werewolf rise to his hind legs and transform back into his human form. If you could even call it human.

He picks up your basket of goodies and hands it out to you. You smile and shake your head.

"You keep them. You're practically skin and bones." You say.

The werewolf looks surprised at your kindness. His ears perked up and he tilted his head to the side. Eventually, though, he smiled and you smiled back.

"You aren't so scary. Can you talk?" You asked. The werewolf shook his head. "I see. Well, try not to get captured again." You say, walking past him.

As you disappeared into the woods the werewolf thought over and over about your kindness and courageousness. He looked into the basket of goodies and smiled again. 

He hoped to see you again one day.


What's this? A oneshot after so long? omigosh!

Yall wanna know somethin crazy I did?

I bought a love letter off Etsy from a fictional character... for the third time.

Just go to Etsy and search 'fictional character letters' your dreams will come true yall.

Now imma sit and wait for my letter from Piccolo to arrive :3 

Have a good one!


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