Just Some Jam

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You stare at the clock. Just a few more seconds, come on.

The clock hand tick onto the twelve and you practically leap for joy. Work was finally over. You pack your things, exit your work building, and head out to your car. You say goodbye to your coworkers as you leave.

Getting into your car, you hear your phone notification sound and go to look what it was. You neighbor had texted you.

'Hey, are you home?' The text reads.

Your a little confused. You said good morning to your neighbor on your way to work that morning, and they know you don't usually get back until five thirty.

'I just got into my car to leave work. Why?' You text back.

'Oh shit. Well, I hear someone screaming by your house. I wanted to make sure you were okay, but....'

You stomach drops. Screaming? What the hell?

You start up your car and drive home as fast as you can. You debated on calling the cops, but there was no way to know if any of the cookies were at your home and you didn't want to risk the police finding them. Yeah, it was risky to not call the police, but it was a risk you were willing to take for the cookies safety. If there really was someone dangerous at your home, then you'd call the cops.

You pull into your driveway and hop out of your car. You immediately hear screaming coming from behind your home. Before you could get worried, you listen closer. You recognized that voice. You sigh.

"Damnit, Licorice..."

You rush behind your home to find the cookie. Thankfully, you see him right away. He was being chased by the neighborhood cat.

Licorice Cookie spots you and runs to you. The cat was on his tail though. Licorice Cookie jumps and so does the cat. You catch the cookie and the cat misses him by a hair.

The cat looks up at you and growls, well, as much as a cat can. You laugh and shoo the cat away with your foot. Once it's gone you look down at Licorice Cookie, who was trembling in your palms.

"You okay, Licorice Cookie?" You ask. Licorice Cookie gives you a very shaky thumbs up... then passes out.


You look down at the passed out cookie in your palms and sigh. You'd better get him inside.

You walk back to the front of your home and unlock the door. Just as you walk into your house and place Licorice Cookie gently on the couch, you hear your neighbor knock on your still open door. You quickly block Licorice Cookie out of sight by standing in front of him.

"Hey (Y/N), everything okay? Did you find out what that screaming was?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," you give a dismissive wave," Just some junkie."

"Ew. Well, stay safe, okay?"

"I will."

"Good. See ya."

"See ya." 

Once your sure your neighbor is out of earshot you turn back to Licorice Cookie and see that he's awake. He looked rather unimpressed.

"What?" You shrug your shoulders.

"You do realize I could've handled that creature myself."

You almost laugh. "Right, right. The way you leaped into my hands says otherwise, Licorice Cookie."

"Bah!" Licorice Cookie huffs and crosses his arms. You laugh ad sit yourself down on the couch next to him. 

"Sooo, what were you up to, Licorice Cookie? I told you guys I'd be at work today."

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