as humans, i'm sure each and every one of us has made so many different choices in a day. starting from hitting snooze on alarms to choosing (mindfully) to waste our time. and then the regret follows.
i've found myself guilty of this way too many times. the sheer number of potentially regrettable choices i've made is shocking. i mean, here i am, at 7:15am, typing away, when my exam starts at 915.
but do i feel guilt? absolutely not.
here's why. there's certain things and activities that bring you calm. and being calm is the absolute best state to be in for 80 percent of the time. this time is spent on knowing and discovering yourself. and what you do in this time is absolutely no one's business but yours.
the remaining 20 percent, is the time you spend expressing yourself. exams, public speech social media, social interactions. note that sometimes, this 80-20 balance might have to be subject to changes. if you're a complete loner (like myself), this is probably your default setting.
90-10 is borderline unhealthy and 10-90 will leave you drained and exhausted. any other ratio that a person is comfortable in, will make you both healthy and socially accepted.
be sure to cultivate healthy habits and avoid addictions. addictions are dangerous, but completely evitable. the biggest problem with addiction, is you lose yourself to it. a complete loss of sense of self and surrounding will make neither you, nor anyone around you happy.
now, here's a list of some stereotypical and some non-stereotypical healthy habits to develop:
introverts: walking, running, cycling, jumping rope, induvidual sports like squash, etc are some physical activities.
gaming, watching a comfort tv show/movie/anime, listening to music, random internet research, checking out memes, and exploring other interests are some casual activities. reading, writing, painting, dancing, singing are some 'expressive' stuff you do, if you'd prefer to create rather than consume.
if you ever wish to go against the usual assumptions people make of you (eg: you're quiet, you don't like this, that, etc), go ahead and do it. because trust after the initial moment of surprise and perhaps one comment- i doubt anyone would notice or care about the change. and if it's a truly positive and sensible change, you'll probably garner support for it.
extroverts: some physical activities with probably a slightly heavier dose of social interaction if you need/want it. perhaps go-karting, paintballing, adventure sports, marathons, etc. go ahead and do what makes you happy, but don't get too carried away by the rush.
try to preserve your extroversion, because it's as unique as being an introvert is. if you find yourself too engrossed in social media and try to have actual talks with real people, rather than 'friends' online. and if you feel exhausted, never feel guilt to put yourself first.
now, after this comes the hardest part. the part where you do your duties, and take up your responsibilities. a part of this 80 percent time NEEDS to be dedicated for this. this too, varies according to your goals in life and your current position.
if you have an exam, you get to studying. if your breaktime is over, you get to work. if you are happy, you definitely should get to your responsibilities and face them, with your positive energy and happiness.
we have variable moods, and racing minds, but fortunately- we have the power to think of different things. we have multiple chances to accept, reflect and learn from our mistakes. and thus we have the power to do things differently.
so the biggest reason i'm ok with my exam staring in (now) 1.5 hours, is because i'm already prepared. i feel confident enough to write it. and i'm here for some 'me' time and a lil seratonin dose before i get to some solid duties to do.
also a random addition, but i think the most basic thing about manifestation it's not all about pretense or assumption. it's just hope. whether it's stupid, 'completely unachievable' or whatever, KNOWING deep down (exactly what you want) and being open about it and working towards it (persevering, if it's not something you can control) is key.
but remember to never lie to yourself or delude yourself. if you truly want something, it probably won't be too hard to imagine it coming true. and if it's hard to imagine, it might be time to take a break and reflect.
Self-love and acceptance (for a spiritual teen)
Non-Fictionare you still in school? then you'll probably relate lol. **LOWERCASE INTENDED** started sept 3, 2021 finished july 13, 2023