chapter 1 - how it all started

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I had read the books on viruses and how they spread. I knew about all the science behind them and how they spread, but no book could help me prepare for what happened on that fateful day.

                                                        FLASHBACK I WILL SAY WHEN IT ENDS

I woke up that day like any other. Marie and Mother waited impatiently downstairs while I made a simple breakfast of toast and bacon - I should really do some shopping for them before I leave for England. Marie and Mother ate without talking to me or saying thanks - but I was used to this. my feeble bags were packed and by the door, and as soon as I finished clearing up the kitchen I would be gone, hopefully for a while

Mother and Marie sneered at me as they passed, Marie purposely spilling her orange juice on the floor and said "you missed a spot" and together they walked away laughing. I couldn't say anything because of my mother's punishment last night - lemon juice and vinegar poured down my throat until I vomited it back up, crying. she hit me a few times before she passed out in her room. 

My little box room was empty of all my belongings, my little toddler bed smashed to pieces in my mother's final attempt to keep me from leaving. I think what she wanted was for me to remain at her beck and call for another three years, or until her misuse of cancer drugs caught up with her. I had been to the hospital many times to look after her, and that was where I met them. Dr. Sean Green his nametag said, and a man who was referred to only as Mr. Blckbourne by the nurses and hospital staff (although Dr. Green referred to him as Owen) stood next to him. they asked me questions about my home life, which I couldn't answer properly so I signed it. the night before when mother was at her worst she poured bleach down my throat, scarring it deeply. they took me to see a Dr. Phil Roberts, and he explained that they were part of something called the Academy, and they wanted to recruit me because of my "ghost" status. I was fortunate not to be leaving the country before meeting Phil, or I would be arrested. my parents faked my birth certificate and didn't register me on their taxes, meaning I didn't exist to the government, which made me useful to the Academy.

Since that day, I have been on more than 15 Academy missions, all successful. I met the Blackbourne team on my 10th mission, where I was infiltrating a smuggling ring. Gabe was doing "spy clothes" for me and Luke, while Nathan, North, and Silas were a brute force. Kota and Vicor remained in the surveillance van, and Dr. Green and Owen refused to come along, saying they had work to do. I knew it had something to do with me because when we went to report at the main Academy HQ, Phil asked me if I wanted to be taken out of my house. they said I was being abused, but I didn't believe them until it was too late. I ran home, and using my only burner phone told Phil I was not helping the academy anymore until those boys had been taken out of the picture and out of my life. I've never seen them since that day.

The television flashed on suddenly, displaying an emergency warning system. I yelled for mother and Marie as best I could, but Marie and mother were already in mothers room, watching the tv in there. "IAAN IS A CONTAGIOUS DISEASE AFFECTING CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS," the president said from on the tv "FOR YOUR CHILDREN's SAFETY AND YOURS PLEASE TURN OVER YOUR CHILDREN TO THE REHABILITATION CAMPS, WHERE A COMBINATION OF MEDICATION AND EXERCISE WILL HELP YOUR CHILDREN GET WELL. PSFs WILL BE ROUND TO HOMES AT ANY TIME. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN TO LEAVE THE HOUSE AT THIS TIME." mother switched off the tv at that point, as a death toll appeared on the screen. "What are you standing around for stupid girl, go pack your sister's things!" she said to me. To Marie she said, "go into the kitchen and get me some sandwiches". when we both left, Marie turned to me and said "look after mother for me, I'm not going to be around to do it". without turning around, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a prepped bag from under the counter. "wait where are you going?" I asked her, to which she said, "anywhere but here." with that she had run out the back door, and before i could stop her she had gone halfway into the treeline of the woods surrounding our secluded house. before I could think to follow her, a knock at the door came. the PSFs were here already. I opened the door but before I could do anything, I was hit in the back of the head by my mother, who was smirking at the officers at the door. the last thing I heard was "take her" from mother before everything faded to black.


                                                                 back to the present day

Today was the day. the day me and my friend/ cabinmate Jessica broke out of Thurmond. Many had tried, most had failed. but we wouldn't fail. We couldn't, Jess had a brother and his friends waiting for her outside, she knew this from the burner phone she hid when she was processed, coming in as one of the last inhabitants before the camp maxed out in numbers. I just had to keep my head down long enough for PSF McCoy to move over me to the next girl in our cabin.

boys POV  (pov changes will be announced! )

Kota was anxious. Jess hadn't been in contact for months. He knew of the situation in America, they all did, but it wasn't until they got the message from her saying she had been captured and put in Thurmond, known for brutality and low survival rates, that it really sunk in. Jess had never been in so much danger and they all knew she may not survive. It was time to return to America, no matter what the girl they once loved had told them. They were going to get Jess back and expose the president no matter what and if they found their lost love, even better they would save her too whether she liked it or not. they would not lose her again.

A/N please use that little star and comment on anything you would want to be changed! It's greatly appreciated!

The Darkest Bird - Book 1 (a GB and Darkest Minds fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now