Hybrid's Wife oneshot

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This is for you both, you gorgeous people!

I woke to sunlight streaming in through the glass of our balcony door, the subtle trumpet music out in the street adding to the charm of New Orleans.

"My love" Klaus leaned over me, his hand caressing my cheek. "I have a present for you"

"Oh yeah?" I wondered, reaching up to play with his messy curls.

He hummed, his hand trailing down to linger on my stomach. "The witches were persuaded to grant us a wish"

"And what was that?" I questioned, although I had a good idea of what it was.

"We can have a child of our own if you wish"

"Really?" Excitement swelled inside my heart, the thought of having a second chance for a baby fluttering through my mind.

He smiled. "Of course my love" I grabbed his shirt, bringing him down for a kiss, before he pulled back, his smile morphing into a bigger grin. "I take it that's a yes"

Nodding vigorously, I was about to reply when little feet started running toward our room. "Mommy, Dada!" Hope jumped onto our bed. Klaus moved off me, allowing our daughter to snuggle between the two of us.

"Hello princess" I gathered her in my arms as I moved to lean against the headboard. "How did you sleep?"

"Good!" The toddler grinned, squirming out of my arms to get her father. "Hi dada"

"Morning" Klaus kissed her on the forehead.

"C'mon get out of bed!" Hope pouted, sitting back on her heels. "I'm hungry"

"I think mommy and I are discussing something sweetheart, why don't you find Aunt Bekah, I'm sure she's wandering around" Klaus tapped her nose.

Hope's eyes lit up and I had to catch her before she tumbled off the bed in her haste to find her aunt.

Once she'd reached the first landing and the excited voice of Rebekah greeted our daughter, Klaus and I turned back to each other. Although as I returned to lay down, a thought crossed my mind.

"What did you do to the witches?" My eyes narrowed at my husband.

He shrugged innocently. "I have no idea to what you're referring to."

"Nikki" I set my hand on his chest, a warning tone in my voice. "What did you do?"

"Our peace with the witches has been profitable, not only for New Orleans but for us." He pulled my hand into his, cradling it. "As a gift, the current regent has allowed us the chance to have a child, if you'd like, in exchange, they receive continued protection."The words took a moment to set in before I moved forward, slamming my lips against his.

He pulled back with a chuckle, leaning his forehead against mine. "I'll take that as a yes then" Nik breathed.

"Yes!" I grinned, my free hand already traveling toward my stomach. "Nikki, we're going to have a baby" I whispered excitedly.

The prospect had long ago vanished with my ability to die as a mortal. I couldn't help but think of the child I'd carried before everything. He was our entire world up until Mikael decided to murder him.

Little Erik never stood a chance.

"Hope is going to be so excited" I grinned, already imagining how the toddler would react.

Nik smiled softly, before he leaned forward, kissing my forehead. "Of that, I have no doubt. We'll raise them together and both her and the baby are going to be spoiled to their hearts' content."

I hummed. "Remind me to thank the regent for doing this"

"Oh I'm sure he already knows your gratitude." Nikki smirked, causing me to narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

"Apparently, Kol has made a comeback. Seems the witch in Mystic Falls, the one they call Bonnie took pity on her beloved Jeremy and brought his biggest regret back to life"

"Kol's alive and you've waited until now to tell me?!" I sat up, ready to rush off.

Nik wrapped an arm around my waist, getting me to lie down once more. "I only heard about it just yesterday. I too was suspicious of why the witches were feeling so generous. He wanted to surprise you."

With a light smack on his chest, I leaned back into the pillows, a smile on my face that seemed like it refused to leave.

"We're going to have a baby" I whispered.

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