Chapter eighteen

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Nik and I ordered fries and I convinced him to drink a milkshake, something he had never tried before.

We sat next to the pool tables, already having claimed one, we were just waiting for the food to come out.

"What are you still doing here?" A blonde girl had walked up to us, her hands on her hips.

"I take it you're Caroline?" I questioned, placing a hand over Nik's. "You were passed out the last time we saw you, I'm Eve, Nik's wife" I held out my other hand for her to shake.

"The others told me he was married, but I couldn't believe it" her eyes widened after she finished her sentence. "Not that I meant that to be offensive or anything" she blurted out.

"Relax darling, my temper isn't nearly as bad as the other originals" I shot a glance at my husband. "I'm the nicer one, although, why were you so surprised we were still here?" I raised an eyebrow at her, and she shifted on her feet. Glancing around the restaurant, I saw the doppelgänger and a few of her friends, sitting at a table across the room. Suddenly everything clicked in my mind. The poor girl had been voted the one to come talk to us.

"It's just last time Klaus was in town, he killed Mayor Lockwood" she nervously fiddled with her hands.

"Wait. Lockwood, like that werewolf, Tyler right?" I glanced between the two.

"She was his mom" Caroline answered.

I hit Nik upside the head. "No wonder the kid was so vengeful you killed his mother" he rubbed his head.

"To be fair, he turned my hybrids against me." I rolled my eyes at his answer, he was never good with the vampires he turned, I doubt he was any better to the hybrids he made.

"We'll talk about this later" I told him, before turning back to Caroline. "Don't worry love, we'll be out of your hair the day after tomorrow" our waiter awkwardly put our food on our table, the blue eyed blonde looked like he wanted to be anywhere but handing us our food at the moment.

The two kids left, leaving me alone with my husband. "Does everyone in this town hate you?" I asked, stealing a fry from the basket.

"Only that lot" he gestured in the doppelgänger's direction. "And the sheriff" then he thought for a second. "I imagine the petty little council that hunts vampires hates me as well" he shrugged.

"You are unbelievable" I stole more fries, and then drank some of my milkshake. "I mean I understand killing the doppelgänger as well as the vampire and werewolf, but why the mayor?"

"I massacred the hybrids who turned against me, then I couldn't find Tyler, but I found his mother when I went looking for him" he tentatively took a sip of his milkshake, looking at it like it would be the death of him. He subtly drank some more, causing a grin to widen on my face.

"You like it" I laughed "I knew you would"

He brought our connected hands to his lips, kissing my hand, and grinning his dimpled smile at me.

"I missed your laugh" he admitted, suddenly turning serious.

"I missed you making me laugh" I retorted, before glancing at the pool table. "Do you want to see if I can still kick your butt at pool?" I challenged. A few centuries ago, the billiard table wasn't a proper game for a lady to play, but we did it anyway, Elijah was the only one to ever beat me.

"You love, are on" he smirked, standing up and grabbing two cue sticks, he handed me one as I walked over.

I racked it up, and broke the set. The balls sprawled across the green cloth we played on.

Eventually, I won, I grinned at my partner, silently gloating. Turning I tried to go back to the table, but Nik caught me by the waist.

I started laughing in surprise. "You were always a fowl loser Nikki"

"I only lose because I love you" he retorted. I rolled my eyes playfully in response.

"Oh please" wiggling our of his grip, I grabbed his hand, pulling him back to the table. Our milkshakes were soupy by then, but they were still just as good. "How do you think New Orleans is doing right now?" I questioned, moving my straw around the melted drink.

"I imagine Marcellus is taking care of it, I doubt we'll have anything to worry about, now that we have Davina on our side, the witches don't stand a chance" he placed his hand on mine. "You worry too much, Marcel can do just fine without us"

"I know, I know, I just worry about him, he's grown up so much without us, and even though he's not ours by blood, he's still our son" I frowned.

"We could go home early if you wish, I only wanted to stay in this town because you wanted it" he suggested.

"You wouldn't mind?" I fiddled with my necklace, twisting the ring around the chain.

"No, I want to go back, New Orleans is our home, Mystic Falls might have been once, but that was a long time ago" he responded, his eyes on the ring in my fingers.

Nik walked behind me, carefully unlatching the necklace and gently taking it out of my hands.

"If you would wear this, I would be the happiest man in the world" he slid the ring off the locket chain, setting the old piece of jewelry on the table, and reattaching my necklace around my neck.

I nodded, allowing him to pick up my left hand, returning the ring to where it always belonged, even after a thousand years,

He took off one of his 'man necklaces' he wore, a black ring tied to the end of it. "I always kept it close to my heart" he untied the string, slipping his own ring back on his left hand. "I managed to speak to our little witch after a chat with Marcel" Nik took my hand in his. "She's agreed to lifting the linking spell on Hayley and Sophie, it should be done by the time we arrive"

"That's amazing Nik" I grinned, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him close. "Everything's working out"

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