Chapter eleven

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The funeral party walked solemnly behind the coffin carriage, the governor's son resting in it. Nik had killed him, believing the man to be unworthy of his sister.

Rebekah walked with Elijah in front of Nik and Eve. A young boy being whipped had caught their attention, causing them to stop.

The boy tried to throw an apple, hitting the man who carried the whip, but it only angered him more.

Klaus stalked over to where the two people were, picking up an apple and chucking it at the whipping man's head.

The man fell of the horse, dead. Eve rushed over to the boy who'd fallen on the floor, not caring very much that her dress had torn on the ground, she knelt down, cupping the young boy's face.

"Are you alright?" she asked, he flinched away from her touch, but settled down when Eve made no move to hurt him.

"No ma'am, my back hurts" he shied away, but didn't completely pull from her.

"Now none of that, I'm not a ma'am, What is your name?" Eve asked the boy gently.

"Don't have one, mama didn't give me one in case the fever took me, it took her instead" he said sadly.

Eve felt Nik's presence as he knelt down next to her, but her focus remained on the child. "You're a surviver, and survivors need names" he stated, the boy leaned more toward Eve than Nik.

"How about Marcellus?" she suggested. Eve read it in one of Elijah's books and it'd stuck with her.

"Marcellus?" The boy questioned.

"It comes from Mars" Nik explained. "It means little warrior" he stood, offering Eve a hand up.

When she stood, she offered her hand to Marcellus. "Come along, we'll take you away from this horrid place"

Hesitantly, the boy looked around before taking her waiting hand. Eve settled her free hand on Nik's arm, walking in the middle of their new little family.

I walked into the plantation house, my conversation with Davina had been eventful. After we got over her distrust for me, we spent the entire night bonding, I had fallen asleep, not getting back home until daytime.

No one was around so I went to the kitchen to find a blood bag. I found some in the fridge so I grabbed it, and a glass, pouring it into the cup.

I was about to take a sip when arms encircled my waist, a head burying in my neck. "Where were you last night?" My husband questioned. I took a drink, before answering.

"Davina and I were bonding" I replied, his head lifted, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You found the witch" I felt him grin "I take it you were successful?"

"I was, she's a good kid" I finished my drink, settling the empty cup on the counter.

"You found her?" Rebekah strutted in, folding her arms. "Where is she? I have a score to settle"

I shook my head. "Absolutely not, she's a sixteen year old, I'm not putting her up against you"

"She erased my mind" Rebekah protested angrily.

"Why are you protecting the young witch so much?" Klaus pulled away, leaning against the counter that was next to Rebekah.

I shrugged, acting like I didn't know, when I did. I've seen the way Marcel acts when he's around her, he's protective. They were kindred spirits.

He saved Davina, just like Nik and I did for him. "What are you hiding?" Klaus asked suspiciously.

"Nothing dear husband" I turned around, putting the glass I'd grabbed off the counter into the sink, rinsing it out.

"I have a meeting with Marcel today, we are gathering the factions to tell them of our new management" Nik, started. Rebekah left the two of us alone. "I would like you to attend with me"

"Niklaus are you asking me to go somewhere?" I raised an eyebrow, he gave me a small grin.

"Maybe I feel you deserve more respect than what I've been giving to you" he stepped closer, lacing our fingers together.

"Finally" I smiled at him. "Who knocked some sense into you?" I raised an eyebrow.

He sighed "Elijah" Nik closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against mine. "How did you know?"

I laughed. "I know you better than you know yourself Nik, of course I knew." I patted his chest.

I moved to leave the room, but Nik stoped me with his voice. "It's a formal dinner sweetheart" he called as I continued on my way.

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