Chapter one

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The bar was loud with music, people shoving each other, and someone was drunkly singing along to a song. I confidently strutted up to the bar, signaling the blonde bartender to me.

"What can I get you?" She smiled sweetly.

"Glass of whisky please" I her a tight lipped smiled in return.

While she poured my drink, the bartender continued talking "so what brings you to New Orleans?" she set the glass in front of me.

"Running from an ex" I sighed.

the bartender raised an eyebrow at the answer. "Can't you call the police or something?" She questioned.

I shook my head "No, he's got a lot of power and influence, he became obsessed with his work, and suddenly he was a different person, we split, but he was none too pleased" I lied smoothly and shrugged "been running ever since"

"So why'd you choose New Orleans?" She questioned

"Came to visit an old friend" I gave a soft smile, hopefully ending the conversation.

"Eve?" A voice called, catching our attention.

I turned to see the boy I'd practically raised, he stood tall and strong, a gang of vampires behind him. "Marcel" I grinned.

He approached me, pulling me into a hug. Suddenly he pulled back "Klaus isn't with you is he?" His eyebrows furrowed.

I shook my head. "Last I heard, he was in Mystic Falls" I shrugged.

He nodded "Come on I want to show you something" he said excitedly, like a child on Christmas.

I dropped some cash on the counter, allowing myself to be led out of the bar and to our old house, the abattoir. It was almost exactly how I remembered it.

The vampires that had been following him like a protection detail, had dispersed the moment we'd stepped foot in the courtyard, Marcel led me up to a balcony, one that faced his city, spreading his arms wide.

"Just look at it" he grinned, pointing out his favorite spots, we could see everything from here. The abattoir was a castle in his kingdom.

"I'm so proud of you Marce" I gave him a smile. "You deserve to be happy" I held my hand up to his cheek, while he leaned into the touch.

"What about you? I heard about the split, how are you doing?" He leaned his back against the railing.

"Niklaus has paused in his search for me" I sighed in relief "I've been running from him for almost a century, but he's found something to distract him for a while, he broke his curse" Marcel's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "And his siblings have been undaggered" I watched my son perk up in amusement.

"All of them?" He questioned.

"Yes, I believe that she's awake" I smiled "although you have to remember that the others think you dead" I reminded him, causing his mood to dampen ever so slightly.

"Marcel" a young vampire interrupted, although he looked incredibly guilty about it. "The others are getting antsy, I think it's because they can sense her" he gestured to me, it was fair, all the Originals had an aura of power that surrounded them, it would make any vampire uneasy.

"Gather them all in the courtyard, I've got an announcement to make" Marcel nodded at the vampire, who in turned glanced at me and scuttled off.

"Being a leader suits you" I commented, his face brightening at the compliment.

"Are you gonna stick around?" He hesitantly asked, offering his arm. I just smiled, taking it.

"For you, nothing could stop me" I winked, as he led me down the hall, toward another balcony, one that overlooked the courtyard.

He released my hold, stepping up to the metal railing. "I know some of you have sensed a more powerful vampire in the quarter, and I understand that might be unsettling, but this one happens to be the one who raised me" he offered his hand, silently gesturing to step forward so everyone could see me. "You are to show her the utmost respect, because not only is she a very important person to me, but she is also an Original, she won't harm you unless provoked, am I clear?" A murmur of agreement echoed through the crowd. "Good" he grinned "now you all have things you need to do before the sun rises, so get to it"

The vampires dispersed, two of them climbing the stairs to the balcony "Eve, I'd like to introduce you to my inner circle, Diego" he gestured to the vampire from earlier. "And Thierry, they help me run things in the quarter."

I nodded my head at them, silently greeting them. "Eve Mikaelson, Don't worry about the name though, I'm one of the nicer ones" I winked

"Until you get her angry" Marcel folded his arms, muttering under his breath.

"Don't pout" I scolded him lightly. "You were a mischievous youth" he looked away, avoiding his friend's gazes, obviously embarrassed he was being told off by his mom.

The next few days, Marcel showed me around his kingdom, All the hangouts of his vampires. His people were weary of me, but gave me the due respect.

My adopted son led me to the top of a church. "I want you to meet someone." He opened the door to reveal a teenager's bedroom. "Her name is Davina"

Sitting on a stool was a sixteen year old girl, a paintbrush in her hand, painfully reminding me of my husband. "Hello" her attention turned to me and Marcel.

"The witches tried to do a ritual on her, luckily I made it to her in time" he sent the teen a soft smile.

"Who are you?" The girl asked curiously.

"My name is Eve" I replied gently.

Her eyes lit up "Marcel told me stories about you"

"Oh he has?" I glanced over at the man in question, who was looking around innocently. "All good things I hope" I smiled at the girl, only for Marcel to scoff.

"Like there's anything bad to say" he sent a cheeky grin my way.

"Pleasure to meet you Davina" I nodded in her direction.

Davina doubled over, clutching her head. Almost immediately, my maternal instincts kicked in, I rushed over to the girl, holding her gently while she groaned.

Her head lifted tiredly "someone was using magic"

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