Chapter two

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A young boy sat in a field, his head in the lap of his best friend, gazing at the sky as she wove flowers through his curly blonde hair.

"I'm going to marry you when we grow up" the boy promised, turning his head to the girl, looking to see her reaction.

She only giggled "and what if I say no Niklaus?" She raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"Then I shall fight for your hand" he muttered bravely.

Evelyn suddenly laid down, forcing Niklaus to lay his head on her stomach. "What do you suppose our children will be like?" She was resting her head on her folded arms, like a pillow behind her, looking up at the stars.

"Our sons shall be warriors, our daughters artists" he grinned, watching the sun dip below the horizon. Her best friend sobered up suddenly "and I shall never lay a hand on them" He swore.

"NIKLAUS" an angry voice bellowed, the boy sat up immediately, panic in his gaze.

"I must go, before father loses it entirely" he held out a hand to Evelyn to help her up.

"If he lays a hand on you, we'll meet by the falls?" The girl asked, concerned for her best friend, he nodded. The falls were their refuge, sleeping rolls had been hidden there for when Niklaus had been hurt, or when Evelyn's mother had a suitor at her house.

"NIKLAUS" the voice bellowed again, angrier this time. The boy hesitated a second longer before running to his fate.

I laid a hand on the balcony railing, looking out on the town, my other subconsciously rubbing my stomach. How I wished I could go back to those times, when we weren't vampires, when I could carry a child, alas, I couldn't turn back the clock, but I was grateful for the opportunity to raise Marcellus as I did.

"What are you thinking about?" My adopted son came, resting his arm on the balcony railing as well.

"Do you remember the stories I used to tell you?" I asked, not even glancing at him, just lost in thought.

"How could I forget, every kid knows how their parents fell in love" he shrugged.

"Niklaus wasn't always so angry, once upon a time he was a small boy, scared of his own shadow" I looked down regretfully "now I run from the man I claim to love" Marcel put his hand on my arm. "I'm so afraid" I whispered "what is going to happen when he catches me?" A tear slid down my cheek. "I can't run forever"

Marcel drew me into a hug, holding me close as I cried. "he may be an original, but I've got an army of vampires to defend you" he assured, resting his hand on the back of my head.

We stood for a moment, until I could regain my composure. "Oh!" I pulled back, wiping the traitorous tears away, a sudden though causing me to remember. "how did dealing with the witch go?" After what happened with Davina last night, Marcel had escorted me home, and promptly left.

"They got what they deserved" he replied nonchalantly "although there's something you should know" he added hesitantly.


"The witch, she used a spell to send a message, it was to summon Klaus here" a hand went to my mouth, slowly I shook my head. "Hey, it's okay, I'm going to get him out of town before he even lays eyes on you" he grabbed my arms gently.

I nodded, trusting him. "Be careful, you remember his temper" I warned, I couldn't even let him catch a glimpse of me, or we were all doomed.

Marcel nodded "Diego and Thierry are gonna stay here, along with about a hundred night walkers, this place is a fortress, I want you to stay within these walls while I deal with Klaus"

I watched him leave after I nodded at him in confirmation, clutching my locket, it held a picture of him, as well as Marcel, something to hold when I was worried. It'd been a gift from my son, an early Christmas present one year, I hadn't taken it off since.

Walking onto the balcony that encircled the courtyard, I watched the mass of vampires watching all exits, and heard two sets of footsteps approaching.

Diego and Thierry, Marcel's right hand men, stepped into view. Diego was being bashful causing Thierry to smack him over the back of the head. "We're here to guard you" Thierry said, rolling his eyes at his friend's behavior.

"It's fine, I'll just be in my room" I smiled softly at the boys, turning on my heel and walking toward the room Klaus and I shared when we first lived here.

It still had his clothes and some of mine, the ones I'd left behind in my haste to leave before Nik could change his mind.

I missed him, and longed for the days where we would share stolen kisses, and cuddled by the falls. Shutting the door, I changed into one of Klaus' shirts, it fell to midway down my thigh, but it brought me comfort on the lonely nights. I heard the boys sitting down outside my door, obviously getting ready to spend the entire night there.

Falling asleep on the bed I completely missed the silhouette that stood on my own balcony, the white curtains acting as a barrier between me and him, unable to enter because of a teenage witch's protection spell.

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