Chapter seven

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I settled in the kitchen, sitting on the counter, a tub of ice cream in one hand, and a spoon in the other.

Klaus entered, a scowl on his face, when he saw me, he came, standing between my legs and gripping my hips.

"Hi" I greeted, licking the spoon, before putting the now empty tub down.

"You scolded me" his face flashing an annoyed look, then it was replaced by a slightly proud one.

"Yep and I scolded Marcel" I shrugged "you two were fighting over the city instead of compromising" I sent him a look. "Speaking of which, did you two settle anything?"

"We did" he nodded "the witches come back into the quarter, werewolves are allowed back in, and apparently an entire pack has been cursed, we will have that lifted" he smirked.

"And what of the city itself?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We will be ruling side by side, not particularly something either of us want, but we both want the city for ourselves, and we knew you'd make good on your threats"

"No scheming your way out of it" I said sternly, gripping his shoulders.

"Absolutely not love" he grinned a mischievous smile, his dimples on full display.

He leaned in, our lips almost touching. "What happened to being mad at each other?" I whispered.

"Sweetheart I only see the woman I married, who's currently sitting in my arms where she belongs" he replied softly, closing the distance between the two of us.

We got lost in each other, and were slightly startled when a throat cleared. "I see you two have made up" I buried my head in Nik's neck, just a little bit embarrassed I'd been caught by my older brother-in-law.

"Not to worry Elijah, I'm working on it." Nik stated, before making me squeal by sliding me off the counter and holding me up by my thighs.

Klaus carried me up to his room, shutting the door, and blocking off any sound we made.


I settled downstairs, a pot of boiling broth on the stove. I was freshly showered, and in different clothes.

"What are you making?" Hayley entered the room, sitting at the table.

"It's an old family recipie, dates back at least a thousand years" I replied, adding some ingredients "granted I'm not cooking it in the way we used to cook it, and the ingredients are from the store, but it'll still be good" I set a lid on top of the pot, walking to sit next to the pregnant woman, a timer set on my phone.

"How was it made before?" She asked curiously.

"in a big pot stirred over an open fire, took me weeks to gather all the proper ingredients" the timer went off on my phone, I got up, adding some spices to the soup and turning down the heat slightly.

I let it simmer for a minute, before dishing out a bowl for Hayley. I set the glassware on the table in front of her, and went back to the pot, putting a lid over it to keep it warm.

"Is that your stew?" A female voice asked from the doorway, my head snapped up, a bright smile crossing my face.

"Beka!" I ran at her, pulling her into a hug.

"Been a long time Eve" she grinned, stepping back and glancing at the woman who sat at the table. "I take it she's the werewolf Nik knocked up?" She sent me a saddened look.

"The werewolf can hear you" Hayley called after she took a mouthful of stew.

"It's fine, we're working through it" I shrugged, going back to the pot and dishing up a bowl for Rebekah.

"Thank you" she replied, taking the stew from me. Rebekah strutted in her usual confidence to the table.

"Who are you?" Hayley asked.

"I'm Rebekah, Nik's only sister, speaking of, where is the backstabber?" She raised an eyebrow at me. When I didn't respond she sighed. "You didn't"

"He's my husband" I defended, hopping up onto the counter and letting my legs dangle.

"Yeah and he cheated on you" she scowled.

"We're working on it" I shrugged "besides it doesn't mean I forgive him, just like he won't let me out of this house unsupervised by himself"

"Rebekah, how lovely to see you again" Elijah entered, sending me a knowing look.

" 'lijah, there's some stew on the stove if you want it" I spoke, a faint blush on my cheek.

"She used to make it for us when one of us got sick, it was before chicken noodle soup was invented" Rebekah stated proudly.

"Uh uh, someone tried to copy my recipe, but they couldn't" I pointed at Rebekah "Don't mention that horrendous trash in front of me" she grinned at me, amusement clear in her expression.

Elijah stepped next to me a bowl in his hand, shrugging innocently when I sent him a grin.

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