Chapter eight

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"Niklaus Mikaelson" I yelled through the house. "Either I'm going out by myself or you're coming with me"

In seconds he was right in front of me and I was pushed against a wall, his hands on my waist. "Where are we going sweetheart?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well I didn't think you'd appreciate me just leaving, but I'm going out" I replied, my brown eyes meeting his blue ones.

"You were right in your assumption" he leaned close to my ear. "And if you try to sneak away, you will find yourself on the opposite end of a dagger" I huffed, annoyed at his threats.

"Fine, whatever, but I'm getting out of this suffocating house" I rolled my eyes, slipping out of his grip and marching toward the door.

"Wait" a voice called out, turning I realized it was Hayley who was on top of the stairs, ready to start walking down. "If you're going out, can I come?" She pleaded.

"Absolutely not" Klaus stated looking at the young woman "werewolves are not currently allowed in the quarter, and I already have to keep and eye on Eve" I rolled my eyes again.

"Klaus she's under house arrest as well, she needs fresh air too, I'll watch her while you watch me, easy" I sent him a cheeky grin.

"No" he folded his arms stubbornly. I dramatically put a hand over my chest.

"Ouch, do you not trust me?" I asked in fake offense. "I'm wounded Nikki, you wounded me right here" I pointed to my heart.

Hayley came down the stairs, linking arms with me and sharing a triumphant grin when Klaus rolled his eyes and muttered "fine"


We sat at a bar, Klaus had gone off to do something, but I still felt his eyes on me, so I knew he was close, just not anywhere I could see him.

Hayley laughed at something I said, sipping her water. "Why are you so nice to me?" She asked suddenly.

"You mean why don't I hate you?" I raised an eyebrow? At her nod, I only smiled. "You know I'm just not that kind of person, now if you'd done that to Nik that'd be a completely different thing, he'd probably have ripped your heart out by now" I shrugged, taking a swig of my bourbon.

"Did it hurt?" A man suddenly appeared to the right of me, leaning on the bar.

Deciding to play along, I lifted a brow. "What?"

"When you fell from heaven because you must be an angel" he winked at me, I shared a glance with Hayley, matching amused smiles on our faces.

"And where did you learn that pick up line from?" I asked, humoring him.

"You know I can't seem to remember, but I might if you give me your number" he pulled out his phone.

"Smooth" I commented when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I already knew who it was by the low growl rumbling from his chest.

"Who are you?" The guy demanded, looking angry.

"This" I shifted so I could put a hand on his chest, hoping to help calm him down. "Is my husband" I replied, grabbing Nik's hand that was on my waist, and lacing our fingers together.

"That's interesting, I don't see a ring" the flirty guy rolled his eyes. Nik moves to go forward but I hopped off my seat, wrapping my arm around his.

Turns out I didn't even have to reply because a certain young werewolf stepped in. "Look guy, she's obviously not interested, take a hint"

I sent her a thankful look, stepping in front of my husband and placing both hands on his chest. "Hey!" I caught his attention, he'd been sending the flirty guy a death glare. "Deep breaths with me Nikki" I didn't move until he mimicked my actions.

Feeling him him relax, I let out a sigh of relief, his hands going to settle on my waist instead of being clenched at his sides. Resting my head on Nik's chest, he pulled me closer, so I was cradled in his arms.

"Um guys, sorry to break up the moment, but" Hayley gestured behind me with her head.

Klaus growled, his grip on me tightening. I turned in his hold, knowing he wasn't going to release me very soon.

A group of broody looking men were staring at me, the flirty man at the head of it. "Who are you?" I questioned "No, actually scratch that, so you really want to do this here? In front of everyone?" I raised an eyebrow.

"We can take it outside" a man in the group shrugged.


We stood in an abandoned New Orleans alleyway, the gang trying their best to look intimidating, but to two originals, we've seen worse.

"You disrespected my boy here" the obvious leader of the men stepped forward.

"What? By telling him she's not interested? Are you serious?" Hayley folded her arms and scoffed.

"You got no idea who you're dealing with girlie" the leader's face morphed into that of a vampire's, his eyed turning black.

"Do you know who we are?" I questioned, making a few of the men exchange wary glances. I started laughing at their misfortune. "Let me introduce you, I'm Eve Mikaelson, this is Klaus, my husband, we are the originals"

"Yo Steve, maybe we should get out of here" a young vampire stepped up to the leader, newly dubbed 'Steve' only scoffed.

"There's no way these are the originals, they're just a myth" Steve rolled his eyes, folding his arms.

"Does Marcellus know his little vampires are out past their bedtime?" Klaus taunted, a slight look of amusement on his face.

"We aren't in his gang" one of the vamps shouted in disgust. "He ruined the quarter, why would we see him as our king?"

"Does that mean I can kill them?" Nik asked me, looking excited, I smiled fondly.

"Have at it my love" he grinned, pecking my lips.

"Gentleman" Klaus stepped forward. "Since you aren't one of Marcel's goons, you are free game. I am not a myth, I am the original hybrid, which means I have the bite of a werewolf" he smirked "I am Klaus Mikaelson"

I moved to lean against the wall, gesturing for the pregnant werewolf to do the same. "Get comfortable, thus could take a while" she followed my instructions, and we watched as Klaus took the entire gang down, leaving flirty boy and the leader for last.

"Would you like to do the honors love?" Klaus turned to me, his chin had blood running down it, his hands also covered in the red liquid.

"No no" I shook my head "I know you've wanted to tear this guy's head off since we were in the bar" I shook my head, gesturing to the flirty guy, I may have calmed him down before, but I wouldn't be able to do it again, even if I wanted to.

My husband walked up to me, the last man dead. I grabbed the lapels of his jacket. "Let's go home and get you cleaned up"

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