Chapter nine

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I laid curled up on the couch, a book in my lap. After our little adventure today, Hayley went to the kitchen, her cravings kicking in, while Nik went to go shower.

"Nik!" Rebekah shouted, as she threw the front door open.

Klaus walked down the stairs, hair still damp, but was dressed in a new Henley, his 'man necklaces' on display.

"What is it Rebekah?" He questioned, following her into the living room where I sat.

The man lifted my upper body up, allowing him to sit in its previous spot, and settled me into his lap.

Adjusting myself, I got comfortable, knowing I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and leaned against his chest.

"I found out how Marcel is controlling the witches" Rebekah blurted, plopping herself down in an armchair.

Klaus hummed in interest, curling an arm around my waist and pulling me impossibly closer to him, as if he'd been starved of my touch.

"How so?" He questioned, absentmindedly drawing spirals on my exposed skin with his fingers.

"She's a teenager, Davina or something. I've never felt anything that powerful though. She threw me out of wherever she is with her bloody mind" Rebekah exclaimed.

I heard Elijah enter, but he just leaned against the doorway, obviously he'd heard what we were talking about.

"Wherever? Do you not remember where the witch is?" Elijah asked, jumping in before Klaus did.

Rebekah stopped to about it for a second, a cross look forming when she realized something. "Clever little thing, I can't remember where I found her, she must've wiped my memory" she scowled.

I remember Davina, she's such a sweet girl, Marcel seemed fond of her. Of course I wasn't about to tell my family that, Klaus'd either kill her or use her as leverage.

"We need to find this witch" Klaus growled.

"What if I find her, and turn her to our side?" I suggested glancing around at everyone. "I have the most experience with children, and you guys aren't exactly the most gentle vampires out there, plus she already doesn't like Bekah"

"No" Klaus immediately refused. "I will not let you go alone"

"Brother, she's right, Eve would be the best choice out of our family, we trust her" Elijah calmly walked over, resting his hands on Rebekah's shoulders.

I looked up at Nik from where I was situated, staring at his blue eyes. He sighed. "Fine" he glanced down at me. "You always seem to get what you want" Nik grumbled.

"That's because you can't resist my face" I grinned cheekily, pecking his lips and moving to stand up.

I was barely in a standing position when Klaus dragged me back down into his lap by my hips, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Ugh gross, get a room" Rebekah gagged, standing up.

"Gladly" I heard Nik grin at his sister who gave an even more disgusted look, before she and Elijah exited the room.

"Nik" I whined, struggling in his arms before realizing I wasn't going to get out. "I have to go find Davina, let me go"

"I will for a kiss" he released me, allowing me to stand. I turned, facing the man I'd married.

I shrugged "if that's what it takes" I bent down, and leaned in, almost brushing my lips against his before standing back up with a mischievous grin. "You didn't think I'd make it that easy did you?" I raised an eyebrow, smirking, only for it to drop when he smirked in response.

"That's a dangerous game you're playing sweetheart" he stood, moving close to me.

"Well maybe I want to play" my breath hitched a little when I felt his hands settle on my waist.

"Are you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow.

I cleared my throat "I'm gonna go find the teenage witch" I moved to step around Klaus but he caught my wrist.

"Promise you'll come back to me?" the uncertainty in his voice making me pause.

I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck while his went around my waist, pulling me close and burying his head in my shoulder.

"I promise I'll come back" I ran my fingers through his hair, and hugged him for a second longer.

Using my vamp speed, I ran out of there before he could change his mind. I'd need to talk to Marcel before going to Davina.

Entering the Abattoir, I looked around, some vamps looked at me curiously, but didn't engage, obviously feeling more relaxed around me than the other originals.

"Marce?" I called, he stepped out onto the balcony. "We need to talk sweetheart" he nodded, speeding down next to me.

He offered his arm, silently gesturing we go for a walk. I took it, allowing him to guide me out of his home.

We walked along the street, but Marcel broke the silence. "How'd you get away?" He questioned.

"You knew that wouldn't be forever, Nik just has a little separation anxiety when it comes to me" I glanced at him, returning my gaze to the shops. "I need to speak to Davina"

"Why?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"The witches are brewing something particularly nasty, and the others were ready to start a witch hunt for the teenager" I shrugged. "Besides she's a sweet girl"

"You're up to something" he narrowed his eyes.

I held up one hand in surrender. "Alright, I'll be honest, the French quarter witches lured Klaus to New Orleans, they want Davina, which means Klaus wants Davina, Rebekah accidentally stumbled upon her so now they know, I didn't say anything, I promise, I merely suggested I could handle it"

At the slightly betrayed look I received from him, I continued to explain. "I'd never hurt the girl, not in a million years, but would you rather me or Nik?"

"You" he grumbled.

"Exactly, that way not only do less people die, but I'd protect her from the others" I replied, we entered the church.

I hadn't even realized we'd walked that far. Marcel led me up the stairs, knocking before opening the door the the teenage girl's room.

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