Chapter sixteen

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"I had built this home in hopes that we could all live as a family here, after we had settled the drama, I was going to come find you again." Nik opened the door to a large house, carrying me over the threshold, and setting me down.

"It's beautiful Nik" I commented looking around and the rooms. "I heard about your mom coming back from the dead." I turned to him, seeing his face harden at the mention of his mother. "I'm sorry I wasn't here" I put my hand on his cheek.

He caught my wrist, instead kissing the inside of it. "Why did you defend me against Tyler" he asked, a vulnerable look in his eyes.

"I know you Nikki, you were my best friend before you were my husband, you wouldn't use your own baby for something like that, not after what happened" my free hand subconsciously went to my stomach. I lost my baby bump a millennium ago.

He pulled me into his chest, hugging me. "I know you miss our child, I do too" he put his chin on the top of my head, and I buried my face in his chest.

My phone ringing is what drew us apart. I picked it up, although Klaus kept a hold on my hand. "Hello?" I answered without looking at the caller.

"We got her out in enough time" Elijah's voice came through.

"Good, I'm glad, is she okay?" I questioned glancing at Nik.

"Yes, did you find out why they were after Hayley?" He asked.

"Yes, a baby wolf had convinced the packs that Nik's baby would be used to make an army, he claimed Nik knew about it" I squeezed Klaus' hand.

"And did he?"

"Elijah, I'm surprised at you" I responded, shocked. "He wouldn't do that, not after Erik" Esther was so sure it was a boy, Finn had even built a crib as a present.

"You're right, I'm sorry sister, how long will the two of you be staying in Mystic Falls?"

I looked at Nik, pulling him to the couch so we could sit. Klaus grabbed my hips, sitting me on his lap.

"Um not that much longer, it was a distraction, so we might stay a couple of days and then come home" I absentmindedly started running my fingers through Nik's hair. "Marcel should be able to hold down everything on the politics side of things"

Klaus buried his head in my neck, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Goodbye Eve"

"Bye 'lijah" I clicked the red 'end call' button, throwing my phone onto the cushion next to me.

"I-I have something to tell you" I lifted his head up. "Damon Salvatore" Nik's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "We were friends, he kind of joined me for a bit on the run, and we got really close, nothing happened between us, I promise" I tried to ease, I really didn't need his temper coming into play, and one of my friends getting killed. "He did try to kiss me, and I set him straight, he got really angry and stormed off for a bit, we're still friends, but we separated after that"

"I'm going to kill him" he moved to stand up, but I put my hands on his chest, pushing him back.

"No" I shook my head. "you needed to know so you wouldn't think something else was going on between us" I leaned forward resting my forehead on his.

"Forgive me?" He whispered, his eyes closed.

"Only if you forgive me for running" I responded.

"I'm tired of not being able to be with you" he opened his eyes, leaning away so we could see one another properly "we haven't slept in the same bed in a century"

"So fix it" I replied, glancing between him eyes and his lips.

"Gladly" he leaned forward, connecting our lips. He picked me up, speeding us to his old room, a squeal coming from my mouth as he did so.


The sun rose, making me crinkle my nose and throw the blanket over my head. "Why are we under the blanket love?" Nik asked, his voice groggy from waking up.

"The sun is too bright, turn it off" I groaned burying my head in his chest.

"It's the sun sweetheart, what do you want me to do?" He asked me with a grin.

"I don't know" I pouted. "Can we walk around Mystic Falls today? See what's changed since the tenth century"

Nik looked down at me "Only if we stay in tomorrow so we can get ready for our drive back to New Orleans" he bargained.

I grinned lazily up at him, snuggling back into his arms. "Deal"

Sighing heavily, after A few minutes of trying to fall back asleep, I pushed the comforter off to take a shower.


I toweled my hair off, One of Nik's Henleys tucked into the front of my jeans, tying my hair up into a ponytail.

My husband came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder while I put light makeup to my face.

"That's my favorite shirt" he commented, watching as I paused.

"It happens to be my favorite one to steal" I retorted, He smiled into my shoulder, making eye contact through the mirror, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I applied the last touch on my makeup and turned in my husband's arms. "Ready to go?" He grinned a dimpled smile, picking me up and speeding me out of the bathroom.

"Can we drive? I'd much rather enjoy the scenery" I questioned, stopping him by the car.

"Whatever you wish my love"

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