Chapter three

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I was resting in my bed a week later. A loud crash making me to jump awake. "Let me see my wife" a voice bellowed, the familiarity of it made me freeze. The sunlight drifted in through the window, the only thing to disturb the early morning silence was my husband.

Stumbling out of bed, I threw on some pants under Nik's shirt, before running out the door. From my vantage point above the courtyard I could see Klaus pounding on the barrier.

"Don't worry" Marcel's sudden voice startled me as he walked up behind me. "None of the other originals can get in" he put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

It seemed that Klaus had caught sight of me. "EVE!" He yelled. I backed up, Marcel stepping in front of me. A hoard of vampires and a boundary spell are the only things that stood between me and him. The loyal vampires swarmed the courtyard, sending worried looks my way, they had grown protective over me in the last week, getting me anything I needed so I wouldn't have to leave the compound.

"You can't get in Klaus, you might as well give up" Marcel called gripping the metal railing in front of him.

"He's not going to give up, and he'll keep killing any vampire that leaves this place until I go to him" I realized, ten vamps were already dead. "I won't allow another one to die"

With as much grace as I could muster, I descended the stairs in my barefooted glory, the vampires parting like the Red Sea as I approached the door. I felt them hovering behind me, and I was immensely grateful that Marcel was letting me make this decision.

"Wife" Nik greeted, traces of the boy I once knew were gone, all I saw was anger and resentment.

"Klaus" I responded, holding my head up. "Last time we saw each other, you told me to leave, and yet you hunted me for almost a century" I tilted my head, watching his reaction.

His demeanor softened slightly, but then hardened once again. "You made the decision to leave" he growled.

"And you made the decision to chase me" I took a deep breath "you were always one for the dramatics" I rolled my eyes. "But I need you to stop killing Marcel's vampires"

"I only needed to break a few of his toys to get you to come out?" He raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.

"They were people Klaus" I defended, hearing murmurs of agreement behind me.

"Yes yes, and now they're dead" he shrugged, holding his hands behind his back, a smirk on his face.

"If I let you take me, you won't kill anymore vampires?" I questioned, my hand resting on the door.

"As long as they do not provoke me, I see no reason why we cannot live in the same city" he nodded his head in agreement.

I glanced back at Marcel, giving him a nod, then I stepped past the protective barrier. "There you are" Klaus grinned before everything went dark.


I woke in a bed, the room I was in, strongly smelled of him. I fiddled with my locket, the sound of a ring softly clinking on the metal chain following the action. I hadn't worn my wedding ring in a long time, but I couldn't bear leaving the piece of jewelry so I simply added it to my necklace.

Quietly I crept out, I was in the governor's house, it was almost exactly the same as when we left it for the compound. The front door was steps away, my fingers brushed the handle, when suddenly I was against the wall, a hand pressing on the sides of my neck.

"And where do you think you're going love?" I glanced up at Klaus' angry eyes.

"Niklaus!" A voice calmly called from somewhere else in the room "let her go this instant" I recognized that voice, it was Elijah. "Need I remind you, that she's your wife, someone to be treated with the utmost respect" the noble original scolded his younger brother.

Nik didn't turn from me, just glared "try to leave again, and you will find yourself in a coffin" he threatened.

"What's going on?" A female voice demanded, I turned my head to see a young brunette standing just a few feet from the stairs.

"Hayley, meet Eve, Niklaus' wife" Elijah introduced. I pushed Nik off me, moving to the brunette.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled gently, turning up the stairs.

"Klaus is married?" The woman, Hayley, questioned. "You didn't tell me that before we slept together" I paused, my foot hovering halfway to the next step.

"Don't worry Hayley, Klaus and I are on a bit of a break" I continued my way up the stairs, keeping my eyes forward so I wouldn't have to look at the traitor. It seemed he never learned his lesson.

Wondering around upstairs, I found a room that I could stay in, because there wasn't anyway I'd go to his. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying, why? Why would he do something like this, I knew he was angry but enough to sleep with someone else? Again?

My phone buzzed in my pocket, signaling I had a call. Taking it out, the contact read Marcel. "I can't do it Marce, he slept with another woman, who knows how many other women there were" a tear started to fall down my cheek. "He's doing it to me again"

"I'm gonna find a way to get you out of there" he promised.

"Klaus told me if I left, he'd dagger me" I bit my lip, the feeling of betrayal burning through me.

"He isn't gonna win Eve, I'll protect you" he sighed through the phone.

"I think I'm okay for now, Elijah's here, he's always been Klaus' voice of reason" I muttered, my voice cracking.

"Stick close to him alright?"

"Okay" I hung up the phone when I heard footsteps, although it wasn't either of the brothers, so I suspect it was the Hayley girl.

She knocked on the door frame, the door already wide open. "Hey" she said softly.


"I know there isn't really much I could say to you-" Hayley started, but I cut her off.

"Niklaus and I have been separated for a long time, I suppose I couldn't have expected him to be faithful to me" I stared out the window. "You know he wasn't always so bad"

"What do you mean?" Hayley entered the room, sitting on the bed.

"Before he was turned, he was just an artist, at the time it wasn't acceptable for a boy to be anything but a warrior, I remember he would mix paints from flowers" I commented, watching the wind blow through the trees.

"Can I ask why you two separated? the way you talk about him, like you're still in love" Hayley asked, confused.

"Oh we were in love, one that others were jealous of, a marriage that's centuries old, we were each other's epic love" I watched through the window mournfully.

"And then we separated" a voice caused both of us to jump, looking at the doorway, where Klaus stood, his arms behind his back. "You should know, Hayley is carrying my child" his eyes flickered over to me. "It seems nature gave me a loophole"

My eyebrows furrowed together. Feeling the need for some fresh air, I brushed past Klaus, almost running to the backyard.

After everything, he still gets to have a child and not me?

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