Chapter nineteen

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The town of New Orleans was loud, even at the late hour we got in last night. The plantation house was quiet though, eerily so.

I walked to the kitchen, Nik right behind me, flipping on the light, there wasn't a single soul around. A lone bowl lay untouched, full of moldy cereal.

Nik wondered off, while I continued to check everything out. "Eve" he called from the living room.

"What happened in here?" I questioned, the entire room was completely thrashed, not a thing left untouched.

"It seems the werewolves Tyler sent couldn't find Hayley" Klaus threw his hands up in annoyance. Old books left open or torn all over the floor.

"Where is everyone?" I pulled out my phone, calling Rebekah.

"Eve, how's Mystic Falls?" My sister in-law greeted when she answered the phone.

"It was fun, but the plantation house is trashed, what happened? Where are you guys?" I asked, looking around at the destruction.

"Marcel invited us to stay at the compound, that's where we are now" she explained.

I caught Nik's eye, gesturing we go outside. "Okay, we'll see you there" I ended the call, taking my husband's hand so he could lead us out the door.

The Abattoir's lights were still on, despite it being two in the morning. "Bekah?" I called when we stepped into the courtyard.

"Eve?" A young voice called. "I heard what happened are you okay?" Davina came rushing up to us, worriedly checking me over for wounds.

"I'm fine darling, why are you here though?" I questioned, bringing the girl in for a hug.

"The witches, they're trying to complete the harvest" Davina held on to me tightly.

"We'll protect you" I promised, putting a hand on her head.

"Nik, Eve, we got out in enough time, Hayley is sleeping upstairs" Rebekah smiled at us, she walked up, and tilted her head. "I see Mystic Falls was successful in more way than one, have you forgiven each other now?"

Davina backed away, most likely going to her room. "Yeah, I wasn't all that impressed with the town, also the doppelgänger looks just like Tatia" I rolled my eyes at the mention of the woman. She tried to take my best friend from me, and then she wanted Elijah when she realized Nik was mine.

"I know, all of them are so whiny, first it was Tatia, then it was Katerina, and then Elena, they all were disgustingly the same" Rebekah crossed her arms, I left Nik's side to walk with my sister in-law.

Suddenly an tremor shook the earth, we glanced at each other in confusion, the doors to the compound burst open, a group of people chanting angrily.

"Give us Davina Claire" the leader stepped forward, shoving the cloak hood off her head. "Or we raze this building and kill the child" it was the witch, Sophie Deveraux.

"No! You're not getting her" Marcel jumped off the balcony, landing in front of Rebekah, Nik, and I.

The witches began to chant again, the walls shaking and dust falling from the balconies.

"Alright!" I shouted, causing the witches to abruptly stop. "That's enough" I demanded, stepping in front of my son before anyone could stop me. "Witches of New Orleans" I began. "You seek to kill a child to increase your own power? And you call yourselves keepers of nature" I scoffed.

"Davina volunteered herself to the cause" a witch shouted out.

Rolling my eyes at the group I glanced to the side where Davina was hiding just behind the wall, I sent her a secretive wink. Turning my attention back to the invaders I scowled at them "yes, under false pretenses, I've heard of your precious Harvest, you slit their throats before the teenagers can protest" I folded my arms, Nik coming to stand beside me.

"You know nothing of our ways vampire" a witch spat.

I rolled my eyes again. "Don't I? My mother-in-law was a witch, one of the most powerful, and she taught me simple spells, regardless of the fact I couldn't practice magic, I know witches, I've heard rumors and whispers about the feared French Quarter faction of witches who sacrifice children for their own end, how do you think I managed to dodge this lot for almost an entire century?" I lifted a brow as I gestured to the Mikaelson siblings present.

The group was silent for a moment, before Sophie Deveraux stepped forward once again. "Hand us the girl and we'll bring her back" she bargained. "I used to be a non-believer, but this is the only way to get my niece back"

"No" I responded.

"Then you give us no choice" Sophie flicked her wrist, everything going black.

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