Chapter fourteen

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I woke to shouting, the sun drifted in through the cracks in the closed curtains. Annoyed, I stood, throwing on some pants and a different shirt, going down to see what the drama was this morning.

"I was seeing my people!" Hayley shouted. I joined Rebekah and Elijah who were watching the argument between Nik and Hayley.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Rebekah.

"Nik caught Hayley sneaking back into the house this morning, they've been at it for hours" she replied back.

Hayley was supposed to be careful, the vampires that live in this house are literally a thousand years old. I internally rolled my eyes.

"You could've been killed!" Klaus shouts at Hayley, ignoring the three of us. "I don't trust the wolves in the bayou"

"Well I do" Hayley fires back. "I can't stay on house arrest for the rest of my life, and I won't do that to my baby"

"Our child needs to be protected and I'll not have you prance around with those wolves" Klaus looked like he wanted to throw something. His phone started ringing, and he checked the ID, looking at everyone, and then Hayley. "This conversation isn't over" he warned before leaving to answer the call.

Hayley and I made eye contact, I just looked at her with wide eyes, and she gave me a 'what do I do?' expression. I shrugged, I could distract Nik, but I know he'll want to know what's going on.

Klaus walked back into the room, pointing at me. "Pack a bag, we're going to Mystic Falls" he slipped past us, marching up the stairs.

"What's so important about Mystic Falls?" I looked over at the remaining supernatural creatures in the room.

"The doppelgänger and her friends live there, he's best friends with a baby vampire from the twenties, goes by the name Stefan Salvatore" Rebekah explained.

"Salvatore?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, they tried to kill us to save their doppelgänger" Elijah put his hands in his pockets, an amused look on his face. "They failed of course, just be wary"

I nodded, heading upstairs to pack my clothes. "Nik" I called, walking to his room. "How long are we going to be gone?" I folded my arms leaning against the doorway.

"A week?" He shrugged.

"Why are we even going? Why can't you go by yourself?" He looked at me with an unreadable expression. 

"I cannot let you out of my sight, either you run or you act suspicious" he shoved some clothes into a bag. "I suggest you go pack"

Trudging back to my room, I packed the essentials. Lifting up my bag, I threw it over my shoulder, and sped down the stairs where Nik was waiting.


The air conditioning blasted, the hot Virginia air only kept at bay by the cool air flowing through the vents.

My feet were on the dashboard, a book perched in my lap. My hand was laced with Nik's resting on the center console.

I glanced out of the window, a sign catching my attention.

Welcome to
Mystic Falls

"Finally" I grumbled "why didn't we just fly? Why did we have to drive sixteen hours in a car?" I rolled my head to look at my husband.

"I prefer to make the residents of mystic Falls squirm, they seem to believe I am at their beck and call, my blood to cure their werewolf bites" he sent a glance over at me.

"And you go when they call?" I lifted an eyebrow. "Bekah told me you're besties with a baby vampire, but where on earth did you meet the ripper of Monterey?"

"It was at a bar in the twenties, Rebekah and I had gone for a drink, we were already separated and I sought a distraction." His left hand gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"Nik, my love for you hasn't changed, the break was good for us, and you can't keep an eye on me for the rest of eternity" I shot a look at him, before unlinking our hands and lifting the book to be put in my backpack.

"I'll do whatever I need to keep you, whether that be to put you in a box, or watch your every move I don't care, I just thought you'd appreciate the fresh air" he pulled in to a small shop looking place. "Welcome to the Mystic Grill, home of the best food this one horse town has to offer"

Stepping out of the car, he sped over to open my door. "Aw such a gentleman" I took his offered hand, but he didn't let go once I had gotten out.

He pulled me close, his lips brushing against my ear "Do not leave my side" he whispered lowly. "You know the consequences for doing so" drawing away, he offered his arm, guiding me into the restaurant.

Over in the corner of the building I saw a group of people, a woman who looked like Tatia was sitting there, along with the famous ripper of Monetary, and some others.

The sight of the blue eyed Salvatore brother, made sweat start to form at the base of my neck. He looked our way, his eyes widening at me.

I slyly shook my head, telling him to stay silent. Nik could not find out about Damon. If he did, what little trust I'd built up with him would be instantly shattered.

"Been a long time, let me introduce my wife, Eve Mikaelson, treat her with respect and I shall leave this town standing" Klaus threatened.

"We need your help" Tatia's twin stood up nervously, obviously trying to be brave.

"With what?" I raised a brow

"It's Caroline, she's been bitten by a werewolf" the ripper stood, making a barrier between us and his friends.

"Who's Caroline?" I questioned Nik.

"Baby vampire, this group is particularly fond of each other" He answered back. "Fine I'll help" Nik rolled his eyes.

"Where is this Caroline?" I questioned the group.

"That's the thing, a pack came to town, and they're looking for you" Tatia's lookalike explained. "She's in the middle of their camp"

"Let's go get her then, shall we?" Nik's hand squeezed mine.

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