Chapter four

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"What happens if he changes his mind?" Evelyn worried, her white wedding dress on full display as she paced.

"He would be crazy to" Rebekah laughed. "Besides Nik is madly in love with you and has been since you were young"

Evelyn took a deep breath, calming her nerves. "You really think so?"

"I'm absolutely positive" Rebekah grinned at the bride-to-be.

Suddenly the flap of the tent opened, Elijah stepping through. "You look beautiful Eve" he smiled.

"Thank you Elijah" Eve smiled at him, nervously picking at her long sleeves.

"Are you ready?" He asked, holding out his arm for her to take. Evelyn took one more deep breath before accepting his silent offer.

Rebekah went ahead to stand with two other girls from the village. The wedding had been set up in the meadow the two children had played in, this time of year, the flowers were in full bloom.

Niklaus stood, watching his fiancé walk down the aisle with his brother, she looked breathtaking, none could compare to her beauty.

Elijah kissed Eve's head before standing beside his brother, the two lovebirds stared at each other.

After the chief of their village talked, he asked the couple to exchange rings. Niklaus took Evelyn's left hand. "With this ring, I wed thee" he smiled as he slipped it onto her finger.

Eve took the golden band Rebekah had been holding. Gently, she picked her beloved's hand. "With this ring I wed thee"

They held hands until they were told to kiss, sealing their marriage.

I twisted my wedding ring on my necklace, how had we gotten here? We used to be in love. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice my brother in-law until he cleared his throat.

"Lost in memories?" He leaned against the wall of the house, while I was watching out the over the railing, overlooking the backyard.

"My wedding" I stated simply. "Times were much easier then"

"Yes" he agreed. "Are you angry?"

"At nature? At Nik? I don't know, it is unfair that he has a loophole but he cannot use it with me" I scowled, we already lost our baby, why must fate be even more cruel. "And the child we raised together, he won't allow me to see" I continued angrily.

"You know him better than he knows himself Evelyn, he cannot survive without you" I bit my lip at his words. Elijah always looked for Klaus' redemption, and against everything he's ever done, so have I.

"I'm not so sure" I once again fiddled with my ring.

"While you've been gone, he's gotten worse, he needs your balance" Elijah tried to reason, a comfortable silence settling between us.

"Eve?!" I heard a voice shout, startling the both of us, quickly I entered the house once again, to see Niklaus standing there, looking furious. Once he caught sight of me, he calmed slightly. "Where were you?" He demanded, walking closer.

"Relax" I rested my hand gently on his chest. "I was just on the porch with Elijah"

He grabbed my wrist, not roughly, but not gently either. "We need to run an errand" he turned on his heel, still pulling me by my wrist out the door.

Not wanting to feel like I was being dragged, I smoothly changed his grip from my wrist to my hand, he responded by lacing our fingers together. I had to speed walk to keep up with his stride but eventually we did reach his car.

Nik opened the door for me, waiting until I sat in the seat to close it. Klaus slipped into the driver's seat, closing the door and starting the car.

The vehicle was filled with an awkward silence as he drove. "I'm sorry Nik" I bit my lip, deciding to be the bigger person.

"I apologize for my behavior as well my love" he glanced between me and the road.

"I think we needed that break" I nodded, agreeing with myself, and watching as the trees sped past. I didn't even have to look at him to know what expression he was making. "Don't give me that look" I looked to him. "We've spent 900 years together, and only had arguments for 90 years before I left, you were getting frustrated because there wasn't any lead on a doppelgänger, sleeping around with that werewolf didn't help either" I huffed

"That doesn't mean I enjoyed our separation" my husband sent a pout my way.

"Uh uh, it's not like you were celibate, you're going to have to try a lot harder than 'I'm sorry' to earn my forgiveness" I glared at him.

"And I shall earn it" he offered his hand, silently gesturing for me to take it. Sighing, I dropped my hand on his. He brought it to his lips, giving me a kiss on my hand.

"Why do you not wear your ring?" He questioned, looking at my ring finger.

"The same reason you do not wear yours" I answered instead, not withdrawing my hand from his, he let them drop, resting on the center console.

Driving the car into park, he pulled the key out. "Stay in the car" Klaus turned to exit the car, but I grabbed his sleeve.

"If you're going to see Marcel, I'm coming with you" I told him stubbornly.

"No" he replied without hesitation, turning back around to look me in the eye. "The last time you spoke to him, it took me a week to get you back"

"Please Nik, he's our son" I didn't release his sleeve, not until he relented. "I won't leave your side the entire meeting"

"I have your word?" He watched my reaction, trying to gauge my response.

"You have my word" I nodded, my word to me was as Elijah's word was to him.

Klaus sighed heavily, fully exiting the car, and walking around to my side, opening my door he offered his hand once again.

The courtyard was crawling with vampires, most of them staying in the shade, the two day-walkers approached us.

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