Chapter twenty

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Eve stomped down the stairs, Marcel's attention being drawn to his mother figure form his book.

"I can't do it anymore Marce" Eve huffed, rolling her eyes as she felt eyes on her.

"What'd he do this time?" Marcel asked, shutting his book and watching as Eve paced.

"I found this" Eve said angrily, holding up a hotel bill from down the street. "He told me it was nothing, but the current werewolf queen has been boasting of her night with Klaus Mikaelson" Eve mocked.

"Lana?" Her son questioned.

"Don't say her name" Eve snapped, sighing, then taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just I can't do it anymore"

"Then leave" Nik walked down the stairs, an angry expression on his face. "You would believe the lies of some wolf over your own husband"

"Fine" the tension had been mounting between the two, tightening like a coil and ready to snap, ninety years of arguments and accusations, Eve was done.

She vamped up to their shared room, packing a bag hastily and was out the door before Nik could say 'wait'

I came to, groaning slightly, and opening my eyes. I was in a darkened room on a table maybe, it was stood up, facing a chair where I could just make out my unconscious husband. Nik was slumped against a bed, half of it up so he was half sitting.

Trying to move my limbs proved futile, they were tied town, and I could feel toxic vervain running through my veins, sapping my strength.

Nik was tied down in a similar way. A woman entered the run down room, her red hair being the first thing I saw.

"Hello" she greeted "my name is Genevieve, I'm going to reveal the truth about your betrayal" she smirked

My eyebrows furrowed together, my drowsy mind trying to come up with what I could've possibly done that she would be using against me right now.

Nik stirred, his reaction being the same as mine, he tugged against his restraints, glaring at the red head when he saw my state.

"Who are you?" Nik demanded.

"Genevieve, I'm a witch that died long ago, it was by your sister's hand by the way, I'm here to show you how your sister and your wife betrayed you" Nik's eyes narrowed turning to me.

"What did you do?" I shrugged, just as confused as him.

"I've never seen this woman" I responded, slightly baffled by the events.

"Oh don't worry, everything will be known in due time" Genevieve started mixing stuff into a bowl, humming a tune while she did so.

I pulled on my restraints again, trying my best to get out of this, the only possibility I can think of is my underhanded planning with Hayley, helping her sneak out of the house to see her pack.

But there was no way this chick knew about that. The red head walked over to Nik, placing the edge of the bowl against his lips. "Drink" she coaxed. "It'll show you the truth"

Stubbornly, Nik refused at first, but seeing that the witch wasn't going to leave it be, he hesitantly took a sip.

"Back in 1919, I worked at a hospital, Rebekah worked there too, I thought it strange that a vampire would want to help sick people" Genevieve chuckled. "Turns our she was just using me"

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