EPILOGUE : Brandon

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2 months later...

We all stood and gave Sebastìan Blanco Sáenz his well-deserved round of applause after delivering the last line in his Salutatory address: "There was once a great teacher who told me: 'Whether you're doing something good or bad, there will always be people who will hate on you. So whatever happens, always choose to be good.' And with God on our side, nothing is impossible. Thank you for the memories and happiness, Clementi Redhill Warriors! Happy Graduation!"

Everything was buzzing with life in the open field as we all raise our diplomas with pride after Principal Jones gave her farewell and congratulations for our batch.

The photographers went wild after the rites; parents going to their kids in togas for pictures, friends of new and old approached to congratulate, and lovers kissing in joy. As for Darren and I, we're just holding each other's hand. For us, this is more than enough. Neither of us is fond of PDAs that much anyways.

Victoria was in a greater shape—both physically and mentally—now that she's graduated and happier with her single life. Except maybe she got her eyes on our team kicker, Simon Greenleaf, who was making moves on her.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Darren says to Simon. "I thought we had a bro-code of not dating anyone's sister in the team?"

"But it's fine with you dating a player in our team?" Simon huffs. I can't help but laugh and Darren snickers at me. "C'mon, bro, chill out. We're not doing anything wrong here—"

"My sister is very fragile," Darren warns, his grip on my hand tightening. "I can't let some hook-up—"

"Whoa, whoa," Simon cuts him. "Who says about just being hook-ups? Dude, I've had a huge crush on Vic for a long time, but I respected her crushing on Brandon so I didn't make any moves on her. But I see nothing wrong with liking your sister now she's single. If you want I can formally court her. I'm really serious about her, man. Please."

"Simon's right, Darren," I nod. "Your 'lil sis is not someone you can always protect. She's a big girl; she can handle herself, okay?" I squeeze his hand and he nods in understanding. "Besides, Simon's, like, the coolest and trustworthy player in our team if you ask me."

"Thank you, Brandon." Simon offers me a fist bump and I gladly knock it. "Tell you what," he offers Darren. "If I fuck up, go ahead and beat me up."

Now Darren smiled. "Asshole."

"So... was that a yes?"

"Fuck whoever you wanna fuck, Simon, I don't care. But not my sister's feelings, got that?" That's Darren's way of giving his 'blessing.'

"Yes sir!" He mocks a salute and then sprints off to talk to Victoria who was doing groufies with some of her cheerleading friends.

I wrap my arm onto Darren's smaller frame as we walk away. "See, that wasn't so hard now."

Before Darren and think of a comeback, Bob was hugging Elle who was jumping in excitement front of us.

"Sebastìan, congrats on your speech!" Darren says and Bob says his thanks.

"Bob, you're awesome, man! Congrats!" I greet and envelop him into a hug in which he replied more cheerfully.

"Muchas gracias, mi amigos!" Bob takes a deep breath. "So..."

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